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Recent content by leeit2me

  1. Emergency sale 60 gallon cube!!!!!

    Full tank setup has been sold. Thank you Robert and Victor for picking it up.
  2. Emergency sale 60 gallon cube!!!!!

    Its a marineland 60 cube
  3. Emergency sale 60 gallon cube!!!!!

    Currently would perfer someone to take the whole setup. I need to get underneath the stand to mop up the salt water. $ 250 for tank sump, stand , live stock and rocks and led lights
  4. Emergency sale 60 gallon cube!!!!!

    Here is the whole tank and stand
  5. Emergency sale 60 gallon cube!!!!!

    Need to get live stock out and rocks. Will drain tank. About 10 fishes and few corals and bubble tip anemones and dont know amount lbs of rocks. Bring your own buckets. Long story short my refugium flooded my floor and the pumps ran dry. I am done with salt water, but will return one day...
  6. ATS external hang-on

    I don't know mesh count they are, brought them at Michael's. Whatever they had, which was 12x18 sheets or packs.
  7. ATS external hang-on

    thank you! Brick-brothers: I have spent about 50bucks in material. (still have acrylic left over). Some items like pvc pipes and bulkheads I have already. 5thChorseman: Actually I haven't tested my water over a year...... But, my tank did crash when my doser OD cal/alk/vinger all the same...
  8. Spyware/Malware

    I would suggest backing up all your local hard drive DATA and nuke the OS. It's not worth the time to scan with third party sw and have the malware come back in couple weeks or months. Some of these malware are smart enough to lay low and not be detect at all. And at an certain date and...
  9. Reef octopus XP-1000SSS for sale

    still have the skimmer.
  10. Reef octopus XP-1000SSS for sale

    It states it can handle up to 125. but usually they over rate the size of the tank it can handle. but it will handle an 90 light to medium stock.
  11. Reef octopus XP-1000SSS for sale

    morning bump and reduced price $150 firm.
  12. Reef octopus XP-1000SSS for sale

    For this xp-1000sss skimmer for sale. Was in my 60 gallon and did a fine job at skimming. Upgrade to a coral box d-700 skimmer. So no need for this anymore. Had it for 2 years now and still kicking butt. It had normal wear, some scratches from cleaning. Pump is still running strong. But...
  13. ATS external hang-on

    just want to update this post, since it's been up and running for awhile now. This scrubber has been kicking butt with growing algae. Here are some photo's of the end product. Anyone up for some algae salad?? :dead1:
  14. ATS external hang-on

    Here is my project of a ATS that hangs on side of my stand. It's a water fall type ATS. Using 6 red and 2 blue LED's for the lighting. Led's are on both side of the scrubber. Screen size is 5 by 10 inches. Using my GFO reactor pump which is tee off to the ATS. I feel it's kind of weak for...
  15. tangs that eat green bubble algae

    I had luck with yellow tang that ate green and purple bubble algae.
