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Recent content by madmeri

  1. new camera new camera new camera

    yeah, the D70 is a nice camera - every time we get some in they sell out almost immediately!! I like the rebel though, I took it for a test run at the fort worth zoo today, and although i don't have the best lenses, it focuses quite fast, and the images (which i've yet to process) look pretty...
  2. Best place to buy a tripod?

    I've got both manfrotto tripods and monopods, and would suggest one of those :) then, I paid $50 thereabouts for my monopod. Still haven't got a head for it yet, just waiting for the right one ;)
  3. new camera new camera new camera

    yeah, i do alot of paid work too (when I'm not working in the camera store that is), and I like the look and feel of it. pity we don't get staff discount on the dslrs as yet though as they're in high demand ;) but lenses - here i come ;)
  4. new camera new camera new camera

    well, i've been off in obscurity for a while, moved from maine to texas a couple months ago now, and I've also been working my butt off at my new job to raise funds for my new camera. well, i got it yesterday :) the canon digital rebel - mainly because I had existing canon lenses and I really...
  5. Choice of Lenses Aquarium Photograpy

    the sigma 105mm EX 2.8 is also a really nice choice of macro lens - at about 3/4 of the cost of the canon counterpart. also - you really do not need such a small aperture... go to about f8 or so, and you'll get faster times ;) -- Lisa
  6. Choice of Lenses Aquarium Photograpy

    weeelllll..... as jealous as i am you have that camera... ideally, when you want macro photos - usually defined as lifesize on the film, or in this case on the sensor) there are many different ways of going about this. 1. close up filters that attach to the lens at the front essentially the...
  7. Nikon Coolpix 3500

    I don't have the 3500, but the 2500 and there is very little difference between the two - but i've had no problems with it :)
  8. Is the SLR dead?

    *sigh* oh how I miss my darkroom - I'd have one set up now - if we had the space :( that and i'd need to get new equipment as I moved from australia to the US earlier this year and donated all the stuff to my old high school... but I want another one.. and how I would love a 'blad x-pan...
  9. please help can't decide on coolpix4300 or canon A80

    if you want good macro capabilities - get the nikon. Thats what they're good (and famous) for. I've got a coolpix 2500, and the only reason why I bought it was for the macro capabilities (since it was cheaper than a macro lens ;))[/img]
  10. Post Your Photography Equipment Details HERE!!

    Camera Manufacturer: Canon Camera Model: EOS 300 Digital or Film? : 35mm Film Camera Manufacturer: Holga Camera Model: 120S Digital or Film? : 120 Film Camera Manufacturer: Nikon Camera Model: Coolpix 2500 Digital or Film? : 2mp digital Editing Software: Photoshop Elements 2 Photoshop 7...
  11. id this?

    So I haven't been around that much, but I took this photo about a month ago, and was just finally getting to sorting them out - can anyone id this thing? I'd really love to draw it, but i'd like to at least put a name to the thing also ;) Thanks! camera info : coolpix 2500 (macro mode -...
  12. Is the SLR dead?

    oh wow - someone actually got my reference to the holga - or did you google it?? most of the time when I mention that I shoot with holgas, I get a blank idiot stare ;)
  13. Howdy y'all!!!!!!!!

    Thanks all for the welcomes :) It's not like I'm just new to this, before I moved stateside earlier this year, I used to spend time (ok, ALOT of time) at a friends fish store - there they had some beautiful tanks set up - and equally stunning fish.... I've always liked reef tanks, and have...
  14. Is the SLR dead?

    I'm a film geek. Although I do own a digital - I still primarily use film for my good shots. I doubt that film is going to go away anytime soon, as there are still problems with digital. Keeping in mind I'm yet to play with a DSLR - although I seriously hope that will change sometime...
  15. Other photo equip. boards out there?

    although it is more art related, there is a pretty extensive photography forum at www.wetcanvas.com . there are a few people there that are camera buffs - especially the older cameras. -- L
