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Recent content by major stare

  1. Tank Overflows

    So long as it runs quieter than my current Prizm Skimmer i'll be happy. I have found quite a few on the net and like the look of the Lifereef & CPR overflow. Prices are OK but i need to import to the UK. AquaMedic overflows are VERY expensive, around $200 !!!! My sump design
  2. New fish recommendation.......if possible

    No...its a 180ltr......sorry ! :cry: How about 2/3 Anthias? A 24"x12"x12" sump is being fitted at the end of the month in the adjoining garage, either DSB or trickle...havent decided yet.
  3. New fish recommendation.......if possible

    Thanks for the reply Louey :D The Prizm skimmer is a very good skimmer and can handle a larger tank than mine, this will soon be relocated into a DSB sump. I like the Achilies - lovely shape and colour. I have been told by my LFS that my tank is too small (180lts) for a Tang or Butterfly and...
  4. Tank Overflows

    I do not want to strip my established tank to get it drilled, so an overflow is my only route. Can any suggest a good and readinly available overflow which runs quietly? Pro's and Cons? The sump will be mounted 12" below the tank and in an adjacent room (garage), return feed by an Ocean...
  5. New fish recommendation.......if possible

    Hello to all, my first post. My tank is a Jewel Vision 180 with T5's, live rock, Prizm skimmer and DSB. Curent stock:- 1x Bi-Colour Blennie 2x Clowns 1x Dottyback 1x Fireball Angel 1x Mandarin 2x cleaner shrimps Several corals I'd like one more fish, mid water swimmer, something like an...
