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Recent content by Marco1

  1. March Photo Contest--GREEN

    pic of my green Brain Nikon Coolpix 990
  2. Anyone have a hawkfish in there reef tank? thinking about it

    I have a small Flame Hawk in a 30gal. with a cleaner shrimp with no problems.
  3. Rare Clownfish Morph?

  4. Rare Clownfish Morph?

    Looks like a Goby to me but I can say that I did see an Ocellaris with no bars that was colored just like this fish. I saw him at Dallas North Aquarium, an LFS in Dallas of course, they have him in one of their display tanks. If anyone from Dallas is reading this, you should go and check him...
  5. New Zoanthids - opinions

    I agree the lighting has a big effect oh how the pictures turn out. Also the vendors pictures appear to be taken from the top looking down in fairly shallow water where yours are taken through the front glass. The Zoos don't look bad though.
  6. Green monster that ate all of the peppermint shrimps.(pics)

    Believe it or not, several years ago I lost a few fish to a Green Brittle Star and these were established not new introductions. I have seen them at night actively hunting and they can catch and hold on to fish that are perfectly healthy.
  7. some pictures

    I agree that first shot is awesome.
  8. Latest tank pic.

    Modo I sent you a PM.
  9. Latest tank pic.

    30gal. nothing special 1 250w 65K MH and 2 96w actinic pcs, sump/refugium w/culerpa and a mangrove, cheapo seaclone skimmer and a mag 7 for return, and a couple of maxi-jets for circulation. Hey Modo, I see you are from Dallas, have you been to Fish Gallery yet?
  10. Latest tank pic.

    Thought I would share my latest tank pic.
  11. Noisy Clownfish

    My female True Perc swims to the front glass and makes the same noise you are describing when I am sitting in the recliner next to the tank. She is telling me she is ready to eat.
  12. my tank

    Looks good but I would suggest you get a few fighting or queen conchs to clean up the algea on your sand bed.
  13. Cayman Dive Pics

    Excellent photos, lets see some more.
  14. Juvi Naso Tangs can you tell which is which?

    naesco, thanks for the info, after doing some research today I know that I do not have the set up for a fish like this.
