WOW! the rainbow diaseris plate is incredible beautiful! i have seen a ventor on RAP 2021 selling the regular WWC diablo plate about 2" for $999. GLWS!
NICE REEFER! my Melanurus wrasse just die, would love to have another wrasse but i am in brookly was too far to go, lucky guy get this beautiful fish!!
looks brooklyella to me, it wiped out 2 of 210 gallons fishs from our office b4 pandemic,very hard to deal, we quarantine them all with copper and others remedy,seems help a little on the beggining but getting worse quckly a few day later.
is this Pinky the bear bleached or just the light too weak, website shows nice pinkish with bright toxic green, i have mostly softy and lps corals, thinking putting few sps to the tank. thank you!