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Recent content by MASTRO1

  1. Sohal Tang for sale (medium/large)

    Hi everyone… I’m Selling my Sohal Tang… It’s about 6” long. Had it healthy for over 2 years. Eats everything, just getting more aggressive and territorial the longer I have it. I Cant get new tank mates, and he nips the fins of his existing tank mates. It’s a Beautiful fish though, but kids get...
  2. M

    Healthy Powder brown tang has to go. I had him for 4 months. It Eats everything from seaweed to...

    Healthy Powder brown tang has to go. I had him for 4 months. It Eats everything from seaweed to clams. About 4”, It’s Real healthy, vibrant colors but it’s to aggressive and antagonistic for my tank.
  3. Trigger fish for sale

    I’m selling my Nigre trigger 6.5” $50 And my Picasso trigger 4” $50 They are already tank mates so I’d rather keep them together and do both for $80. They are hardy and healthy and fed well. They are just getting more aggressive to the smaller fish that my kids rather have. Louie
  4. Free Koran angel

    Free Semi transitioning adult Koran angel. 4.5”-5.5”. Healthy eats it all!!! Gets aggressive with new tank mates. Kids think it’s a bully ? Anybody want it. Astoria Queens. Louie
  5. Free yellow tang 2"

    I gave it away already sorry and thanks. Louie
  6. Free yellow tang 2"

    I had it for a month now. Was extremely healthy but now a more dominant yellow tang has started hurting him all day while I was at work. I'd hate for him to get worse and die. I separated him already and will give for free to first person to come get it it now. Louie
  7. Extra large toadstool

  8. Extra large toadstool

  9. Extra large toadstool

  10. Extra large toadstool

  11. Extra large toadstool

  12. Extra large toadstool

  13. Extra large toadstool

  14. Extra large toadstool

  15. Extra large toadstool

    For sale extra large toadstool. Opens up 12+ inches. I have had this one for 5years. $150 or best offer Louie
