Hi everyone… I’m Selling my Sohal Tang… It’s about 6” long. Had it healthy for over 2 years. Eats everything, just getting more aggressive and territorial the longer I have it. I Cant get new tank mates, and he nips the fins of his existing tank mates. It’s a Beautiful fish though, but kids get...
Healthy Powder brown tang has to go. I had him for 4 months. It Eats everything from seaweed to clams. About 4”, It’s Real healthy, vibrant colors but it’s to aggressive and antagonistic for my tank.
I’m selling my Nigre trigger 6.5” $50
And my Picasso trigger 4” $50
They are already tank mates so I’d rather keep them together and do both for $80. They are hardy and healthy and fed well. They are just getting more aggressive to the smaller fish that my kids rather have.
Free Semi transitioning adult Koran angel.
4.5”-5.5”. Healthy eats it all!!! Gets aggressive with new tank mates. Kids think it’s a bully ? Anybody want it. Astoria Queens.
I had it for a month now. Was extremely healthy but now a more dominant yellow tang has started hurting him all day while I was at work. I'd hate for him to get worse and die. I separated him already and will give for free to first person to come get it it now.