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Recent content by maxpower2112

  1. Red Sea 250 leak :(

    NYOS Opus 300 is on sale at BRS right now. Similar dimensions.
  2. Advice for a AIO tank

    More coral and a skimmer would be what I would recommend. You can run activated carbon if you what to make it look more clear, but not necessary. If you have filter socks, then a skimmer isn't necessary. Just make sure you are running your nitrates at 10-20ppm and phosphates at 0.1-0.2ppm and...
  3. Where to go to shop in Manhattan?

    Pieces of the Ocean in Staten Island are great and also sell online. The ones in Brooklyn earlier in the thread are also a good choice.
  4. AI Blade lights

    I switched to Blades from Red Sea ReefLED. They are excellent. Small form factor without the need for an expensive mounting fixture. Great spread. They grow SPS and LPS coral very well. I would definitely recommend them.
  5. Another Red Sea Tank Fail

    Sorry that happened. Really terrible. How big was that tank? I replaced mine with the same tank. It was the most simple option given I wasn’t in a place where I can upgrade due to other things going on in my life. It’s only temporary. I’m likely looking at a Nyos tank in the near future.
  6. Another Red Sea Tank Fail

    That’s awful. Was it also a Red Sea tank?
  7. Another Red Sea Tank Fail

    Another Red Sea tank fail. The tank is a 3.5 years old Red Sea Max E170 (45) gallon AIO. Started noticing that coralline algae was growing in between the silicone and glass that is dividing the display and back sump which of course is connected to the bottom glass. Reached out to Red Sea and...
  8. Large Hammer Colony (30+ heads) $450 - Sold

    Looking to sell 30+ head colony of my purple tip, green hammer. I’m not interested in fragging it out. $450 is the price. Pickup in Brooklyn 11209.
  9. Coral Prices

    Thank you. I was hoping that I was just looking in the wrong place. Do you know of any reputable LFS in Brooklyn you can recommend?
  10. Coral Prices

    I have been out of the hobby since 2006 and with COVID keeping me home, I started to get the itch again. I was looking around and noticed that the prices of coral looked to have skyrocketed. Even tiny LPS are selling for hundreds of dollars per frag. Am I looking in the wrong places? Is it a...
  11. Where to get RO unit systems?

    This looks really good! Does it come with everything shown in the picture? How do you like it? BTW, thanks for all the suggestions guys!!! Don
  12. Where to get RO unit systems?

    Thanks for the suggesting, I looked it up. The units look pretty good with nice prices. Unfortunately, they only have big ro/di systems. Are In-line filters any good? I'm looking for a 3 stage RO unit.
  13. Where to get RO unit systems?

    Hey Guys, I need an RO System and wanted to know where I might be able to buy me one for a good price with reasonable quality. I have looked into the Pureyh20.com and buckeyefieldsupply.com sites so far. Are there any other good sites/places one can order them from? Thanks! Don
  14. D/I Unit and Cooling fan F/S

    Thanks Richy :D how you been man, what have you been up to recently? Im in bensonhurst brooklyn. Never really in washington heights but I go to school in 68th st and lexington- dont know if I really want to bring a DI unit with me though :)
