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Recent content by Mcg180

  1. Overflow noise levels?

    Len's response is virtually the best way to resolve the problem. I have a 210 with a sump in the basement. The durso pipes resolved the cascade sound however you could still hear the water rushing down the durso tubes and resonanting through the water column. The tank is in my family room...
  2. Live rock where to get

    The products are great and the prices are very reasonable. I bought approx 225lbs of Pukani, Kaelini and some Fiji premium for my set up. It was all good. The best part is that when you call, most of the time you deal directly with the owner. Good guy, very knowledgeable and willing to take...
  3. Live rock where to get

    Sea Trade Marine has some great rock. www.seatrademarine.com
  4. Back in the Saddle ...Live Rock Supplier Plz.

    Try Sea Trade Marine, www.seatrademarine.com. Excellent selection of rock and is an excellent e-tailer. Personally I like to deal directly with the owners of a business and Bernie the owner answers his own phone and handles all aspects of the business. Prices are very competitve, especially...
  5. Confused about Live Rock

    Should work for filtration, but I thought you were looking to use the rock in the aquascape. If so, you should look at some the other rock. I think he sells 50lb minimum quantities, which will be too much for your tank so maybe you can hook up with someone local looking for additional rock and...
  6. Confused about Live Rock

    Where at on the east coast? Sea Trade Marine is an excellent source for live rock. Bernie, the owner, is very helpful and is located in southern New Jersey. Great selection of rock and very reasonable. His web site is www.seatrademarine.com.
  7. Just ORDERED from BUCKEYE

    I do not understand it either. I am sure that I will be happy with it, but won't get to tryi it out for a month or so. Great service.
  8. Just ORDERED from BUCKEYE

    Snow Man, How do you like the unit? I just ordered a 100GPD unit from Buckeyefieldsupply and must admit that I received the best customer service that I have received from a mail order vendor ever. MCG

    If noise is a consideration, which I assume it is since the tank will be used as a divider fro two rooms, give careful consideration to the flow through the overflow drains. Overflows can be noisy if you attempt to run too much water through them. Mihai has it correct, a 1 inch drain will...

    If noise is a consideration, which I assume it is since the tank will be used as a divider fro two rooms, give careful consideration to the flow through the overflow drains. Overflows can be noisy if you attempt to run too much water through them. Mihai has it correct, a 1 inch drain will...
  11. Overflow Noise

    I have solved the noise problem. I removed the 3/4 inch return line and used that as a primary drain hole (no durso tube). Of course I had to re-route the returns over the back of the tank as opposed to through the overflow but that was a small price to pay for the quietness that I gained. In...
  12. Overflow Noise

    Thanks for the replies thus far. The tank has just been set up and is in the testing stages. Still haven't put salt water in the tank. Rover, I tried playing with the tubes. The only thing that seemed too help was slowing down the flow rate a little bit which is raising a different...
  13. Overflow Noise

    Thanks for the replies thus far. The tank has just been set up and is in the testing stages. Still haven't put salt water in the tank. Rover, I tried playing with the tubes. The only thing that seemed too help was slowing down the flow rate a little bit which is raising a different...
  14. Overflow Noise

    Hello, Already looking for a solution from all of the more experienced reefers. I have set up a 210 all glass with one inch bulkheads and one inch flex tube running to a sump in the basement. Using the all glass overflow kits which are essentially Durso Standpipes. They have eliminated the...
  15. Skimmer Selection

    No, I just need to hang on to lay down on the floor.
