A friend told me maracyn will cure the problem. I had another outbreak about 4 weeks ago. I opted to increase water flow with a big water change. The cyano is mostly gone. I did not try the maracyn. If someone else has tried this please reply.
Hoffer's Tropical Pets is the premier place in Milwaukee. A little higher priced, but you get what you pay for. Great knowledge, selection, quality, and a friendly staff also.
None of the hermits moved into the shells of te snainls that they ate. Maybe it was just coincidence. Seems quite odd for them to just die. Nothing else in the tank has shown signs of problems. Again thanks for the insight.
I noticed yesterday that my hermits were eating a snail that had tipped upside down. I had noticed several snail shells empty over the last few months and could not figure out why. My water quality has been good. Is it fare to assume that the hermits are attacking and eating the snails? I have...
have been out of town for a couple of days. Titan Trigger recomends more snails. What else inclding this is a viable option to get rid of this stuff. It is not dusty so it must be cyano.The stuff looks gross. Am starting a water change regimen every two days of 10%. I came home after being gone...
total output is 260 watts. half actinic and half 10K.
Can you elaborate on diatoms? what are they? It is hard do tell wether it is red or brown, but it is somewhat slimy.
Thanks for the help/advice. I do believe circulation maybe something that needs to be addressed. MAybe another powerhead. I have never vaccumed the substrate but will start doing so. It doesn't appear that many people care for the Seaclone Skimmer. Why is that? Poor quality? Doesn't perform...
I have about 2 inches of crushed coral. The light doesn't smell at all. The smell is not as strong since I have done a water change. A friend came over yesterday and did a phosphate test and it showed to be a bit high. Could this have caused the probem with the algae and smell? Skimmer fills...
I was just performing a water change on my 55 gal. We just installed a CustomSeaLife Moonlite Fixture total output 230watts. I have noticed an outbreak of red/brown algae. The tank is doing alright quality checks out good. Could the algae be causing a funky oder? What is the best way of dealing...
We just purchased a CustomSeaLife Moonlite Fixture. It has 4x65Watt bulbs. 2xActinic &2x10K bulbs. It also has a low intensity moonlite in it. Makes the tank look really neat at night. They are available in many different sizes.
I have had mine in the tank for about 6weeks. I have a polyp colony and a brain coral right now. He picked his own corner in the tank and really has not traveled to far outside of his area. He seems real subdued keeps to himself and doesn't bother any of his tank-mates.
Has anyone ever run into a yellow tang eating hermit crabs. After a 2 week quarintine we introduced the tang into our 55 gal tank. He has been in there for two days and two hermits are awol. Is this just purely coincidence?