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Recent content by Neo_TA

  1. Electrolytic Mineral Accretion

    Can anyone give me some input on the chemical process that is occuring at the molecular level, when a current is applied to a metal cathode in salt water and calcium carbonate is deposited. I'd like to model and possible build a device that would accelerate the speed at which corals grow. By...
  2. Tunze DOC Protein Skimmer 9015

    Have you seen any improvement in water clarity and or quality?
  3. Acro's for Sale

    pm'd about #4
  4. Manhattan-reefers: Let's see your tanks!

    Thanks for all the compliments guys. To me its only OK. I want better. DRZL Yup its just a plain old purple Montipora digi. It does grow fast though. It has pretty much taken over that rock. The bulbs are 10K XM's, and just two 40W actinics flourecents. And of course frags are avail. The...
  5. Manhattan-reefers: Let's see your tanks!

    OK OK me too.
  6. Mangroves for Sale

    Any left I'll be in the city next week, and I'd like 4. Don
  7. Hey Meeting

    I'm in
  8. Starboard, Who's done it?

    by the way 2 centimeter = 0.7874016 inch
  9. Starboard, Who's done it?

    Thats a great article, thanks. To me it looks like the chart reads appx. NH4 2cm 30-40 microM 3cm 60-70 microM 5cm 100 microM PO4 2cm 4 microM 3cm 10 microM Am I reading that right? I'll assume M stands for Mole? Also realatively what effect does for instance at the 2cm level do those...
  10. Starboard, Who's done it?

    All in all there really no perfect answer. In my opinon if I were doing a soft coral only tank I would deinately go with a DSB. I just love the ecosysytem that it creates. Don't be scared of Hard corals. As long as you have the proper equipment its not that bad. Allthough it is a decent amount...
  11. Starboard, Who's done it?

    solbby, I can understand your fear of going against the great Bomber. DSB is a dirty dirty word with the guy. I like like my 4-6" DSB and I'm having a real hard time not just doing it again. But like Jackson, I just can't get the water clean enough for my SPS to explode all be it his are doing...
  12. Starboard, Who's done it?

    Plain it is then, thanks. I was hoping for the reflective effect of the white starboard anyway. I have seen pictures of Bombers tank(reef central) and the strange yet cool growth of the corals because of the extra light hitting them from the bottom too. I'm going to try to get it closer to the...
  13. Starboard, Who's done it?

    So if I understand what your saying Cali_reef, you regret doing the faux sandbed look? Jackson how close to the inside edges of the glass did you get with the starboard? And are you going to silicone it down?
  14. Starboard, Who's done it?

    I just read your thread I might, just cut it myself with a rotozip. The thing cuts everything.
