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Recent content by ozone

  1. Are all VHO Bulbs half transparent?

    Thanks Jim. I'll have to find a way to mount the caps so all the light gets reflected towards the tank.
  2. Are all VHO Bulbs half transparent?

    I have custom made lights that I'm trying to install a VHO retro kit into. I want to mount the end caps sideways, but I discovered the super actinic bulbs I ordered are not fully transparent. The bulbs are 180 degrees transparent and 180 degrees non-transparent/solid white. Is this normal...
  3. Who is from New Jersey?

    Clifton here! Just began building a new tank after being away from reefing for a few years.
  4. Back in the game

    Okay, I was hoping to get some alternate ideas, but it looks like a full cook is the best way to go.
  5. Back in the game

    The rocks sat in complete darkness in salt water. Is it possible they are already cooked? Meaning I can rinse them in fresh salt water and begin using?
  6. Back in the game

    Hello All, I broke down my reef tank 4 years ago and I have been fighting an itch to get back in ever since. Now I've decided to scratch that itch and set up a new 120 gallon tank. First up, I have (2) 20 gallon plastic trash bins filled with now dead, live rock and I need some help bringing...
  7. SALE: $3 4" Filter Socks

    Are there any left for pick up in Midtown?
  8. 75/90 Gallon Pine Wood Stands

    pm sent
  9. Any Boxer Owners?

    I have a 2 1/2 months old boy and what a delight he is. He is full of personality and is great with the kids. Check out www.boxerworld.com
  10. asm g3 modded f\s

    Interested, pic please.
  11. Cheap price, good items

    Interested in the skimmer. What model is it?
  12. FS tank breakdown in Clifton NJ 07011

    If you guys need anything let me know how I can help out.
  13. Freebie Thread

    I'll have to see what I have left. I have a few people in line already for frags.
  14. Anyone with old VHO 46.5" bulbs to spare?

    I'm setting up new lights and need 46.5" VHO bulbs to test. I need (2) used bulbs in order to test. It doesn't matter how old they are as long as they light up, and the color doesn't matter.
  15. Freebie Thread

    Free waving hands xenias and kenya tree frags I have a few frags that was crowding my display tank. They are now in my sump and are unmounted. Pickup in Clifton, NJ or Grand Central Station.
