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Recent content by playfair

  1. Pictures of You're 120's

    My 120 just hit it's 5 yo mark. Click this link for a BIG 1.7mb version... http://mistressreef.homestead.com/files/2004apr01.jpg Tell your honey that it's a "non-issue", and to just be glad you don't want an even larger tank! :lol: Len, what happened?
  2. Weekly Discussion - heating and cooling

    I keep the daily temperature variation on my 120 pretty minimized at about 1/2 degree F. Maybe you don't have to (there are occasional swings), but it's "free" with a controller. For heating, I have a 300w titanium main heater running off an ACII. It's external thermostat is set just above 83...
  3. Paint for Glass

    Clean the glass really well including lint/dust, tape over the sides and top, and spray on Rustoleoum FLAT black enamel. You can roll on as well, but it does require several coats and is more tedious to apply. The flat adheres amaziningly well, and looking through the glass it will look glossy.
  4. B-Ionic Users Little Help Please!

    How long did it take for Ca to fall from 390 to 320? Parts 1 and 2 of Bionic should be dosed a few minutes apart. I assume you are adding as early in the am as possible (before lights). I would bring your Ca back up over 350 with turbo calc or similar, and increase Bionic to 40ml per day...
  5. Weekly Discussion - Learning curve

    With so much information readily available, I don't think negotiating the learning curve should be much of an issue; read what you can, get to know the people who you respect (either in person or virtually), and do what they do :D Unfortunately, it is an issue, and it sure would be nice if we...

    I vary photoperiod inversly to the seasons to be as efficient as possible. During the summer, I run the tank at 82 with a shorter (11hr) photoperiod. This makes it easier to cool both the tank and the house. During the winter the min temp setting is 78.5, and photoperiod increases (13hr). My...
  7. Weekly Discussion - Your current system

    I was inspired by a LFS specializing in corals. I had stopped in looking for a fish for my FO setup, but quickly left after seeing some of the prices for things that are "alive" but don't move around... Their 90 gal display was impressive and stuck in my mind. Second visit weeks later I had...
  8. Bubble tip anemone

    Pick a middle ground; I don't directly feed mine, but it doesn't hurt to do it once in a while like weekly. As far as hosting, percs are not the "natural" clown for E.quads. so it's a hit or miss (stressing the miss). "Fire" and "Maroon" clowns are pretty guaranteed, some have sucess with a...
  9. When to start up the Reactor?

    You could start it right away, but in a brand new system there isn't much need for a reactor, as calcium and buffer aren't being used significantly. I would keep eye on the test levels, and add bionic for a few months until you stock up and a routine consumption is realized. Reactors are...
  10. Is there a downfall to having too many PODS

    I think that any "big" change to a closed system has reprocusions. With the 6 line, a pod balance was reached between uptake and repro. Withoout the wrasse, the pods will overpopulate, then crash as they wipe out there food supply. A few will survive, and those will repopulate, and over time...
  11. Heater question

    I wouldn't worry about cleaning the rubber caps off, but it's a good idea not to let buildups accumulate on the element. Try white distilled vinegar if it bothers you though ;)
  12. Flat or Gloss For Back Grnd. Tank Paint

    I disagree with using any gloss paint; flat adheres to the glass much better. From inside the tank, it looks glossy because of the glass. Rustoleoum flat black enamel works great. Just make sure you clean the glass really well first (use vinegar then water), as even dust will show through...
  13. Succesful spawning and rearing of Torch Coral, Euphyllia Gla

    I believe what has happened is the Euphyllia's version of "polyp bailout"... For some reason the tips of the tenticles come off and if they land in a good spot it has the ability to create a new colony. My 8" dia torch came to me about the size of the babies in your picture from a friends...
  14. HOT TIP Submissions -- Topic: Lighting Tips

    Keep 'em clean! It sounds simple enough, but it's surprising how many people let their open lamps and reflectors get all salted up... If I notice dried spray on the lights or surrounding area, I'll wipe it down with a damp paper towel after they cool down at night.
  15. Siphon Break Idea on Main Return

    I did the exact same thing you described on our public Seneca Park Zoo tank. Pipe size is 1.5", with 1/4" "bleed lines". Just be sure to check them often for clogging.
