Anyone one have one Vortex filter in good working order, that they are willing to sell. I use to have one, for my freshwater tank. Looking to go old school on a freshwater tank.
Used skimmer in excellent condition. Skimmer is good for tanks up to 100ga. Need a little cleaning, but works fine. $150 firm. located in Central NJ (07076).
It was in a 120g, but the tank cracked now it's in a 50g. I would not want you to risk loosing your Zoas. That is an old picture, it's streamer are alot longer.
It's in a FOLR tank, it was with a BTA for a very long time and did not peck at it. But i can not guarantee if it will or will not peck.
The Queen loves pellets. ( I will included it with the purchase.)
Old tread.
Queen angel for sale, it about 8" from beak to tail, it has very long streamers almost 6" longer. Asking for for $190.00 i'm taking a break from the hobby, and this is my last cherished fish. Thanks.
I wish i had the time for them. I was looking for them for a while, but now my kids are going to school and we're working so no time. :( Good luck on the sale.