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Recent content by pmui

  1. WTB - Vortex D-1 Diatom filter

    Anyone one have one Vortex filter in good working order, that they are willing to sell. I use to have one, for my freshwater tank. Looking to go old school on a freshwater tank. Thanks.
  2. FS Reef Octopus HOB Skimmer

    Used skimmer in excellent condition. Skimmer is good for tanks up to 100ga. Need a little cleaning, but works fine. $150 firm. located in Central NJ (07076). http://fragtasticreef.com/Reef-Octopus-Classic-1000-Hang-on-Back-Skimmer-BH1000-Octopus-HOB-BH1000.htm
  3. Free: 15Ga tanks

    Free (2) 15 gallon glass tanks. They have been sitting in my garage for a 1 1/2, and I don't have plans on using them. Pickup in Scotch Plains -07076
  4. FS: Queen Angel & Harl. Tusk

    Please close. Thx.
  5. FS: Queen Angel & Harl. Tusk

    located in Scotch plains (07076)
  6. FS: Queen Angel & Harl. Tusk

    updated picture
  7. FS: Queen Angel & Harl. Tusk

    It was in a 120g, but the tank cracked now it's in a 50g. I would not want you to risk loosing your Zoas. That is an old picture, it's streamer are alot longer.
  8. FS: Queen Angel & Harl. Tusk

    It's in a FOLR tank, it was with a BTA for a very long time and did not peck at it. But i can not guarantee if it will or will not peck. The Queen loves pellets. ( I will included it with the purchase.)
  9. Ps4

    interested. PM you.
  10. FS: Queen Angel & Harl. Tusk

    Old tread. Queen angel for sale, it about 8" from beak to tail, it has very long streamers almost 6" longer. Asking for for $190.00 i'm taking a break from the hobby, and this is my last cherished fish. Thanks.
  11. 1/4" plate glass source in Manh?

    There are glass places on Alan street, near Delancey street. They can cut to size.
  12. Old Tamiya RC cars

  13. Breeding Pair African Pygmy Hedgehogs

    I wish i had the time for them. I was looking for them for a while, but now my kids are going to school and we're working so no time. :( Good luck on the sale.
  14. What the hell happened

    the nitrate climb that fast if you over feed.
