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Recent content by ReefFreak1

  1. tiger pistol shrimp

    You need to be careful with which pistol shrimp you have. I got one that grew too big and dug everywhere in my tank. Claiming the lives of a yashahasi goby and few other things. Shrimp and crabs. They are awesome I had to remove a beautiful yellow white and red one but now have my Randall's...
  2. 40 breeder first reef tank.

    Where did you get your breeder? Beautiful tank
  3. Soft Corals

    Beautiful rics.
  4. Leptastreas FS

  5. whats the best test kit ???

    Get Hanna checker for whatever you can. Very easy and good and accurate.
  6. RODI question

    Agreed. Replace them all. Tds meter shouldn't read that hi. Mine reads at worst .12. Ten I replace them all.
  7. ora sps

    If you get them on the right week or maybe just call Fauna orders from Ora. Located on 86th between broadway and west end ave in the upper west side of manhattan.
  8. T5 question

    No more then 6-8 hours.
  9. Some corals for a pair of nice clowns

    Can you put up picture of the corals?
  10. Help id this zoa

    So see if it grows tentacles. Could be really hurting from something previous to you finding it.
  11. Help id this zoa

    Then it's not a probably not a paly. It looks like a Zoa what type or name not sure yet. Let the color come in. Plays have tentacles as far as I know or have even taught.
  12. Help id this zoa

    Idk if that's a paly. Does it have the long tentacle like the paly to the left of it?
  13. Help id this zoa

    I got a better idea. Take a new pic under white or normal lighting no blue so we can really see the color and help out. It looks brown
