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Recent content by Revstarky

  1. Leather coral life style questions

    It's normal behavior for leathers to go through a continous cycle, open and expanded for the most part, then shutting down for a few days every once in a while. During this "down time" they exude and shed a waxy film. I believe this serves two purposes-ridding the leather of waste, and ridding...
  2. Fish Food, please respond? :?:

    I create a seafood hash by blending shrimp, scallops, mussels, and clams together with a food processor. I press this out in a Ziploc freezer bag and freeze it in the form of a giant wafer (which I can easily break pieces off of for feedings). I hang dried seaweed from a clip, break off a little...
  3. QT - hyposalinity

    See, now this is getting interesting. Wade, you mention that your current area of study is concerning oxidative stress. Have any of the vets you’re discussing these matters with performed controlled studies of marine fish using specific gravity as the only variable to check if this alone...
  4. 10billion Watts of Lighting really necessary???

    I couldn't agree more, Podman. I have 400 watts of VHO over a 90 gal. I've been keeping a T. derasa for years, and it has grown a considerable amount. Its mantle, however, lost most of the beautiful golden iridescence it possessed when I bought it. Same thing with a Montipora digita frag. Purple...
  5. QT - hyposalinity

    I tend to agree with Terry. I believe, and this is just my opinion, that the stress of hyposalinity is often overstated. It seems very possible that the stresses of infection, shipping, poor water quality, and physical injury many marine fish endure during collection are likely to result in...
  6. Newby im a little confused with my 20 g h fowlr

    Even in a fish only set-up, I would strongly recommend making a protein skimmer a priority. Your dealing with a small volume of water, and it can go South on you quickly. A skimmer will help you maintain water clarity, minimize unwanted algae growth, remove disolved organics before they break...
  7. Snail releases lots of small eggs - what is it?

    Yeah, my banded trochus snails do the same thing from time to time. They just lean back and let the eggs and milt go! After the synchronized sex, the water is temporarily quite cloudy. I have had snails survive to adulthood from these spawns, albeit only a few. It's my understanding that they...
  8. Purple Tang/ICK

    It's my understanding that cleaner shrimp specialize on larger external parasites (flukes, etc.). I agree with the above, give him time to shake it on his own. If the disease does get worse, you'll need to remove all the fish from the infected tank and treat them with hypo in QT.
  9. Just got a tank, want to set up a reef

    I would hold off on the anemone, they're notoriously hard to keep. You can go ahead with the clown(s), they don't need a host. Unfortunately, a 30 gal. is too small for a tang. Yellow tangs get as large as a salad plate and require room swim.The lighting will be fine for a wide range of corals...
  10. why won't it turn to gold?

    Is it possibly you could be having a flow problem in that chamber? I wonder if the water could be circumventing the DI filter?
  11. Mushrooms and Zoanthids! What should I do?

    86 the shrooms. You can always isolate some zoo's on a lone rock somewhere.
  12. Sick clowns, best treatment?

    I would stick with the hyposaline treatment. In order for it to be effective, you need to lower it to 1.009. Not only will a hyposaline bath knock out the Cryptocaryon, it will help rehydrate the clowns.
  13. starting over the right way i need help

    Wow! I didn't know this was such a hotly contested issue! What I conclude from the thread is, even if all health concerns are discounted, the financial angle is enough to keep me off the stuff.
  14. White spots

    I believe they're the coiled calcerous tubes of a small species of fanworm.
  15. starting over the right way i need help

    I would suggest a 4 stage RO/DI unit. Kent Marine and SpectraPure both make good units. Looks like current cost is around $200. Deionized water isn't suitable for drinking. It isn't poison, but I believe it lacks the electrolytes your body requires for selective reabsorption. If I'm wrong, maybe...
