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Recent content by RGibson

  1. The Importance of Water Changes for your SPS Colors?

    how do you mix 5 gal of salt water?
  2. FS Tunze protein skimmers pumps

    The Tunze 9430.o40A skimmer pumps are new and put out two times the flow of air and water than the 9420.04
  3. FS Tunze protein skimmers pumps

    FS Tunze protein skimmer pumps -9430.040-A 9420.04 I have two of each pump. $95.00 each +shipping
  4. FS-Tunze Hydrofoamer silence 9420.04 $85.00

    Tunze Hydrofoamer silence 9420.04 especially developed pump for protein skimmers.I do not take paypal for payment on the pump money order only.$85.00 +shipping
  5. Chloramine

    Boomer what pressure gauge do you used and were did you buy it.
  6. Chloramine

    Boomer how do you know when to change the carbon filter?
  7. Chloramine

    Thank you and have a good day
  8. Chloramine

    I have a RO/DI
  9. Chloramine

    Boomer what is the best way to control chloramine.
  10. Any Ideas how to get rid of mushrooms?

    How dos:t it work,
  11. Figuring out what Return Pump I need - help!

    Marcella a good pump to used would be Iwaki MD55RLT
  12. Uniseal 3/4 can make it work

    I have used the instructions for using 3/4 in uniseal but the pipe will not go in,need help.
  13. I just got the GEO 618.. what else do i need?

    It came with a bubble counter and it is broke. Call Geo and get a new part ,you can not run the reactor with out it.
  14. DYI - The Ghetto Chiller.

    the window ac is put out side on the ground ,heat and noise are not in the room with the tank. The water lines are inside so thay will not freeze
