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Recent content by Rjukan

  1. SCA 80g tank package (Hurley NY)

    Whats a "long cube" ..dims?
  2. Jawbreaker Mushrooms for sale, Bergen County NJ

    Bump for Eric. Great guy, nice shrooms. I got a small one from him and it opened right away, beautiful piece. Will definitely buy from him again.
  3. Free rainbow bta Brooklyn 11236

    You the man Zuska
  4. Fs corals

    Where abouts in the city are you during the day?
  5. Coral ACROS NJ

    Beautiful stuff!
  6. Glass Cages 180 gallon Cube Setup - $1,350 OBO

    Man, awesome tank!! If it wasn't so tall I would jump on it. My cube is 24" high and my arm just barely makes it to the sand bed lol.. Glws!!
  7. Black Worms For Sale?

    I feed them for the beneficial gut bacteria that PaulB swears by. Idk, I'm an old school aquarist, and black worms was always something good to feed your fish. I guess I also like the variety of foods the fish get to eat. I'm feeding on rotation: Rods, Reef Frenzy, Spirulina Brine cubes, PE...
  8. Black Worms For Sale?

    Found some.. Absolutely Fish on Rt46 in Clifton NJ, I went up there today. The store is fantastic, the fish look very healthy and so do the frags.
  9. STATEN Island frags

    Not that I'm aware of.. I was there a month ago or so. The owner Frank is a really nice guy. I think he had even expanded the store recently and added a fish section.
  10. STATEN Island frags

    Not the only one, there is a shop out in Tottenville on Main St. Its called Frag Farm..
  11. 2" bulk head and diamond bit

    I actually might have one, I'll take a look and see what the dims were on it.
  12. Live Rock in 2024

    I've ordered from TBS a few times in the past, and every time I've been very happy with the experience. They pack it very well and never had a leak.
  13. Black Worms For Sale?

    Hi all, Does anyone know of a pet store that sells black worms around here? Ideally in NJ I guess, but Brooklyn and Manhattan would be ok too. I've got 2 cultures of white worms going pretty strong, but I would like to add some variety to the live foods I feed my fish.
  14. Hi, It's Been a While

    Hey all, Just wanted to say hello after being away from the forum and hobby for a couple years... my system has been running the whole time but with hardly any input from me. That all changed on 12/3/23 and I've been back on top of it again. Will be looking for some frags, and maybe some...
