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Recent content by scuba_steve

  1. RO/DI Setup

    there has to be back pressure on the membrane in order to produce purified water, ie forced through the membrane.
  2. loud hum coming from PC lights

    I just recently replaced the bulbs in my CustomSeaLife PC lighting. Never had a hummin problem before, but now , the humming is loud and annoying. Is my ballast going bad? It's only 12 months old. Also, the ballasts are located in the hood above the lights. There is a fan, but it never runs...
  3. scribbled rabbitfish dorsal fins are flicking...

    I just brought home a scribbled rabbitfish, and since I have put him in the tank, he swims and his dorsal fins flick. Kind of like the fins are spazzing out. Is this normal, or is something wrong? I drip acclimate all my fish and he seems fine except for the dorsal fin. He's eating and...
  4. Remora setup and Agamilk questions

    75 gal tank 14 months old 130lb LR Use Instant Ocean salt Critters: 1 false percula, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 coral beauty, 1 green chromis, 1 6 line wrasse, 1 green mandarin, 1 chalk bass, 2 pep shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, multiple blue and red legged hermits, multiple astrea, turbo, cerith...
  5. Remora setup and Agamilk questions

    I just got in my Remora skimmer and it has been going for 2 days. How high does the cup need to be set before it gets that nasty foam? Right now, I've got it set about half way up and it is pretty wet and no gunk. The instructions said it would be some time before it breaks in, but I was...
  6. Solved my hair algae problem!

    would it hurt my tank to storm the rocks a couple times a day to unsettled the settled detrious? I am running a mechanical filter for a couple hours to try and remove some of the solids.
  7. Hermits and copepods

    what can I do to see the pods? I think I see them but not for sure. I do know they are all over my sump/fuge, but not sure how many make it to the main tank.
  8. Hermits and copepods

    Will any hermits that people put in their reef tank eat at the population of copepods?
  9. Solved my hair algae problem!

    so you're saying a yellow tang will eat hair algae? After reading this, I'll almost guarantee you that settled detrious is the cause of my hair algae problem. I've never considered it even though I wondered why my sand and rocks looked dirty. I've moved some rocks around in order to prune the...
  10. RODI TDS measurements

    5 gal water change every couple weeks. I just recently replaced every filter except the RO membrane. I do have a spare membrane, I just thought they would last a couple years. Should i replace it?
  11. RODI TDS measurements

    I have a hair algae problem, and I'm trying to figure out why. 75g 150lb LR I run a sump with chaeto algae. All readings Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate = 0 PO4 = barely .2 using Red Sea test kit. My RODI water has a 23 TDS reading. My question is, what does everyone's TDS read for 1 RO and 2 RODI...
  12. Mandarin

    Do you put LR in the breeding cage? What all would you put in it? Also how deep does it sit? I don't think you would want it too high so you wouldn't have to worry about water changes dropping the water level of the cage. Anyone have any other input?
  13. six lined wrasse skips acclimation and jumps in main tank!

    3 hours later and he has started attacking the flatworms (the whole reason I got him). After researching him, Id get him even if I didn't have the flatworms. He's a pretty fish. So he'll have a tendency to jump out?
  14. Mandarin

    Chucky, could please expand on what you said. I don't understand what you're talking about. I've waited 18 months to put in a mandarin. so anything that would help me feed it would be helpful. thanks
  15. six lined wrasse skips acclimation and jumps in main tank!

    I was acclimating my new 6 lined wrasse and he jumped out of the shipping bag straight into the main tank! What can I look for to see if this guys gonna make it? He seems to be wimming ok right now, but....
