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Recent content by SharkLover

  1. Octopus DNW-150 w/ euro conversion PVC & gate valve

    Selling my Octopus DNW-150 needle wheel skimmer. Comes with the euro conversion PVC for easy hookup, and a gate valve for fine adjustments. Bought the skimmer brand new from aquacave.com , used for less than 3 months. Pump is practically new. Asking $200 + shipping or...... $200 pickup in the...
  2. I Need Help!!!!

    use a turkey baster and blow on the rocks just before you do a water change so all the detritus gets stuck in the water column as you change the water. Great method. Also, increase your water changes to once a week. Once your tanks good to go, a yellow tang will destroy hair algae. just fyi if...
  3. How do I raise my Calcium levels properly

    I use 2 part and juggle between both keeping alk stable within +-1.0 value.
  4. Watch out for this guy

    I heard they're hiring officers with skinny fingers :)
  5. asm g3 question

    Those are good skimmers if you have them in the correct water level range. I had a G3 for about 6 months til I downgraded to an external octopus dnw150. My water level was around 11' but it didn't do well. I heard of people with much success between 7-9 inchs.
  6. Photo of the Week - Submissions

    Just Chillin!!
  7. New user Hello!

    Greetings Everyone, I was referred here by a fellow Hobbyist and I wanted to formally say Hello to everyone. I was born in the south bronx and raised in uptown, near Fordham road/ webster ave. Left for college @ 18 in 1999 and have been working in the I.T. field ever since in the MA area. I...
  8. Grey Coraline?

    randys website Randys Website goes into discussion about things relative to precipitation. Take a look, and good luck. Personally. I find when i'm not keeping Calcium and alk levels up to par I get the white/greyed coralline. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm
  9. Grey Coraline?

    Dosing Kalk? or Calc? You should be dosing Calcium. Kalk is more to maintain PH and parameters during night when PH drops. I assume if your dosing KALK and not Calc then theres your problem. What are you Calc/Alk/Magnesium parameters? alk, mag, calcium in that order to avoid precipitation...
