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Recent content by sheldols

  1. diy aquarium chiller for under $100.00

    I am also looking for a new chiller because my old one does not work properly any more. I had no idea that copper is so dangerous. I am very happy that I know this now. In the mean time I use a chiller rental but I hope that I will find a cheap chiller soon in order to have my own one again.
  2. What do you test your reef with?

    You could go for a redundant setup to get the most reliable readings, should one fail. But I think they rarely do anyway.
  3. Will this work or am I looking for trouble?

    If the tank needs stabilizing I would go for it. I would try it out regardless I think, should work out fine. But I have little experience with these things as of now :o
  4. I just cant win

    heh, they make stuff that just sort of deteriorates so you need to buy something new again. But don't you need to clean it out once a year anyway?
  5. Is it possible to have a reputation system

    A rep system usually doesn't support the quality of posts in a forum though, it just strengthens the popularity of those who are already popular... anyway my 2 cents on this matter :)
