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Recent content by skene

  1. Can anyone tell me how to mix salt?

    Just a friendly wave... no intentions of setting up another tank even though I have a wall large enough to put a 400g.
  2. Can anyone tell me how to mix salt?

    It's been a while and at my ripe old age I forget. I've been trying with a wooden ladel and pot. What do you people do? :p
  3. blue green slim algae and hair algae

    Well the only reason you would not be seeing any readings on po4 or no2 is because the algae is consuming it and this negates any test readings. But that is what algae feeds on, so it is best to try and alleviate the problems by sourcing the root of issue. If you have not done so yet, you may...
  4. A request for prayers

    Kathy, I am praying for you and your family that you can overcome this.
  5. Moving sale... this has got to go.

    This is last call... I am available on Sunday. After that they all go to the trash. Make an offer and pick it up. Corona Queens
  6. Moving sale... this has got to go.

    Bump!!! Cmon make offers and take it away... otherwise it's trash this weekend.
  7. Moving sale... this has got to go.

    40g tank drilled, stand and sump $100 obo Ecoexotic panorama LED make offer PC light 10k/actinic/moonlights make offer Aquamedic calcium reactor KR400 BRAND NEW NEVER USED $75 OBO ASM Mini G used for 2 weeks $50 Mag 7 $35 Mag 2 $20 Refractometer $20 miscellaneous chemicals and other crap free...
  8. WTB a Tank

    E... I have my 40b tank, stand, sump... I'll even throw in a skimmer and ecoxotic light. Cheap. Moving out of NYC next week so it's gotta go. LMK [email protected]
  9. Free: Oceanic Salt 1/4 bucket..

    This will probably give you around 60g maybe... but hey it's free if you are interested.. The catch... like all things is... you need to pick it up. I'm not going to hold it for anyone... first come first served. Pick up... Corona NY. If you do not know where it is... find yourself looking on...
  10. Recognize these guys?

    looks like some awesome fishing. congrats guys! SW fishing is going to be one thing I miss when I leave NY..
  11. Anemones at the swap

    Why are you posting from a thread dated back in 2011?!?!?!?!
  12. Forgot name

    looks more like sinularia than nepthea.
  13. Touch tank

    Yes... because urchins play so well with people touching them... :lol2:
  14. Need some quick advice

    That my friend is brown jelly disease. Basically part of a head dying from an infection. When shipped it probably spread to the other heads.
  15. CO2 refill

    Try any welding supply place.
