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Recent content by SteveP

  1. Flatworm removal for fun and enjoyment

    I was performing some much needed maintenance on my tank this weekend, injecting aiptasias with concentrated Turbo Calcium (heard it worked better than kalk paste), when I noticed all of those damn flatworms on my mushrooms and pagoda. We're talking the bigger species, some up to a half inch...

    <insert obvious off color remark here> :lol: Steve 8{I
  3. Please critique my DIY sump/refugium diagram

    You've got some good ideas there. I'd make a few of changes if it were mine though. 1. I'm against any kind of mechaincal filtration so I'd remove the sponge. Your refugium is going to be a great breeding ground for pods, so why risk filtering them out? Plus there's always the "nitrate...
  4. would damsels, firefish wreck my pod population in 135g?

    I have a firefish in my 135 and I've never seen it eat a 'pod. It hides most of the day and only comes out to feed on food I add to the tank. I'm not sure about damsels though. My wife has three green chromises in her 90 and her 'pod population seems stable. Steve 8{I
  5. Xenia Backgroud?

    I'm doing that in my tank, and this is what I've learned. 1. Looks very cool. Gives the tank visual depth. 2. Start them at the bottom, they eventually grow upward. 3. When there are too many thye make for a great nutrient export system :) 4. Keep an eye on them! Every once in a while...
  6. long standing dinoflagellate bloom

    The changes I made to my routine when I got a dino bloom were to reduce my actinics to 8 hrs a day and my MH's to 6 hrs a day. I was a little stingy with feeding the corals, but maintained my feeding for my fish. I added some macroalgae and a grow light to my sump, and yanked out as much of...
  7. Worm takes over a hermit shell??

    Actually it's not a spaghetti worm. They have white tentacles. The red filaments you see are gills of a terebellid worm. Steve 8{I
  8. Contemplating in removing prefilter from the overflow.

    Mine's been out for about a year now and nitrate levels haven't suffered for it. My LR and DSB take care of it , and any solid matter settles out in the sump. I firmly believe my pod population has benefitted from it too. Steve 8{I
  9. anyone else like "shy" fish?...

    Firefish, 6-line wrasse. Steve 8{I
  10. Sump on the same level as show tank ??

    Yes, they can be at the same level. The return pump will work the same way, and the display tank will siphon the same way as it would if it were higher. The siphon action will work to try to keep the water levels of both tanks at the same height. Take that into consideration, btw, because...
  11. Big(ger) tank owners (>100g), chum in about water changes

    I do water changes whenever I remember to. :lol: I only do about 20g each time on my 135g tank. I don't like keeping the corals high up in my tank out of the water for too long. Steve 8{I
  12. Lawnmower Blenny Questions?

    I've had mine for a couple of months now and all he does is scrape the algae off the glass. He also nips at halimeda, but I think he's really scraping off the leaves instead of eating them. I have a 135g tank, and I never clean the back glass so there is always enough for him to eat. He's...
  13. All my tanks plumbed together, should I get a UV sterilizer?

    IMHO, if you haven't had the need for one so far, i.e. your tanks seem to be healthy, plumbing them together shouldn't pose any new health issues as long as you can keep the water quality high. UV does kill parasites, but only water-borne ones. Ich in particular tends to stay at the bottom of...
  14. Who's actually had something eat Valonia?

    I've never seen my mithrax eat valonia. I've seen my Red Sea Sailfin Tang nibble on some of it once, but it doesn't really go for it as a food source. Steve 8{I
  15. What's your one dream reef organism?

    I'd be thrilled knowing I could have a pair of mandarins and a purple-tipped Elegance that would be as easy to keep as Xenia! :) While I'm at it, how about an Emerald crab that actually eats valonia? Steve 8{I
