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Recent content by Tangboy

  1. small flea problem

    I have a small flea infestation in my carpet directly in front of my tank. They originated from a dog that no longer lives in the house, so how can I get rid of the fleas safely without using chemicals that could likely end up in the tank like carpet flea powders.
  2. recommendation for uv sterilizer

    I am looking for recommendations for a sterilizer that can handle flow rate at least 1000 gph effectively
  3. Mag Pump problem

    I have owned 4 mag pumps. While I think they are great pumps, I have always used them submerged because they always leak, even brand new.
  4. Aqua C Remora Pro with MAG 3 Producing NO Scum from my 75?!?

    I have an Urchin Pro which is the sump version of the Remora and it started producing waste about 4 days after installion in a brand new tank, so it may start at any moment, otherwise contact Aqua C's customer service. They are very good, and the product is excellent.
  5. problem with chiller

    When you say put a lightbulb with the chiller can you be a little more specific. The controller is a Ranco controller, but I have access to a brand new one which I am going to swap out today to see if that makes a difference today . I called Aqualogic and they said I possibly have an airflow...
  6. problem with chiller

    I have a 1/4 hp Aqualogic Cyclone chiller and just yesterday it started behaving strangely. It will turn on every 15 mins and run for approx 75 sec to 105 sec (I timed it) then turns off. I keep the temp in my tank at 82 deg. Whenever it turns on, the controller reads 83 deg, but it can't be...
  7. question about aquanetics chiller

    I have a 120G tank set up with a 1/5 hp in-line chiller. The tank uses a Mag 9.5 as a return pump from the wet/dry, and the chiller is fed by a Mag 5 also from the wet/dry. Water is returned to the wet/dry after passing through the chiller. The chiller should be functioning properly as it was...
  8. best refugium macroalgae

    Does anyone have an opinion as to the best macroalgae to use in a refugium, including mangroves? The whole caluerpa going sexual thing is a bit too much to deal with. Thanks for the input
  9. help with coralife chillers

    does anyone know anything about the new coralife chillers, specifically a website where I can get performance specs on different models.
  10. Prizm Skimmer - OMG

    get an Aqua C, you won't be disappointed
  11. acrylic glue

    does anyone know if acrylic can be glued with aquarium silicone?
  12. Chillers Coil vs. Flow-through

    I use a 1/4 hp Aqualogic drop-in chiller in a 220 gallon tank. The coil lies in the sump under about 5 inches of water. While this chiller is a little undersized for this tank, I have turned off the A/C and with indoor temp. around 100 deg the tank cools down to 78 deg no problem. It also does...
  13. Carpet deodorizers, are they harmfull?

    I did this before and the next day almost everything in my tank was dead. Seems that the vacum somehow circulated the stuff into the air, the ceiling fans then picked it up and distributed it nicely around the living room, including the tank. The fish all had symtems similar to ammonia burn...
  14. what is the ideal temp for FOLR

    I have been arguing this point with some folks for a while and now I am asking for some input. What is the ideal temp for a FOLR tank with primarily tangs and angels
  15. recommended refugium size

    what should the approximate dimensions be for a refugium for a 220g tank
