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Recent content by travisurfer

  1. Sea water

    i use natural saltwater
  2. ZooMed Power Sweep

    hydor flow deflectors look promising too
  3. too many choices!!!

    as far as compact flourescent bulbs, current sunpaq brand bulbs are the best
  4. Aqua Medic T5HO?

    Hey, i found this fixture online and wanted to know if it was any good. I want to be able to keep all soft corals with good coloration in my 20H. http://www.dtpetsupplies.com/catalog/pr ... ts_id=2615
  5. hydrometer

    i got a refractometer for $30
  6. Cherub in a 20H?

    would he be ok with a clown, or two? i really just want him to be happy, but if its possible i may go for it.
  7. Cherub in a 20H?

    even though this poll isnt very definitive, people seem to say that it could go either way. most, however, seem to say that they need somethign larger. id rather have a happy fish than one that isnt. i may go with a yellow-tail damsel instead as a third fish(if i get 3)
  8. How did you become interested in this hobby

    i chose other because ive always been obsessed with the ocean. reefing has just been the next step as i grew older. :lol:
  9. Cherub in a 20H?

    i know they are small and stay small but ive heard that they need room to graze.
  10. Cherub in a 20H?

    Would one of these guys be happy in a 20H tank? It seems like every sight says something different. The only other fish would be a true perc or a black occellaris.
  11. How NOT to Introduce Live Rock

    best of luck. hate to say it, but the ritteri anemone would probably have died or may have outgrown your tank in a month or two. do you have a condy in there now?

    what about the Prizm?
  13. Back in the Saddle ...Live Rock Supplier Plz.

    what about www.HIrocks.com, you could seed it with live rock
  14. Vote for Fish in My 20H

    really...ive never heard of that. i dont have a nem, just a fake one :?
  15. Vote for Fish in My 20H

    the pink skunks are captive bred :wink:
