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Recent content by tribaldevil

  1. Clam and Corals FS

    pm sent
  2. UFC with Evans, Machida, Hughes & Serra

    Play is a nice all in one hangout spot for those who have no idea what they want to do
  3. littlebuck70's 300 in wall

    Beautiful Tank, & that clam is very impressive. What size was it when you first got it?
  4. the wife's gonna be pissed this time

    Now that's something to go to sleep to....
  5. Chiller for sale

  6. For Sale

    Devil's Armor pm sent for devil's armor
  7. T

    http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/sale-trade/59854-many-frags-sale.html Reefbum he's in CT

    http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/sale-trade/59854-many-frags-sale.html Reefbum he's in CT
  8. Chiller for sale

  9. Frogspawn

    pm sent
  10. Acans for sale

    pm sent
  11. Dendros, setosa, acan for sale

    I'll take acan if still available I'll take the acan if it's still available. Need to pick up on Monday or Tuesday though.
  12. Blue Shrooms FS/FT

    I'll take #1(3 count) I'll take number 1 from you if it's still available. Need to pick up either Mon or Tuesday.
