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Recent content by trudismith

  1. Does anyone keep Jawfish?

  2. Does anyone keep Jawfish?

    Hi, Mitch. Thank you for responding so fast. Your jawfish looks really happy. I am so pleased to know that I could keep at least 1 jawfish in the 10 gallon. I was thinking about having a midas blenny and a couple of snails and shrimps in the same tank with the jawfish. I was thinking about...
  3. Does anyone keep Jawfish?

    I have a 10 gallon tank and a 20 gallon tank, so far without inhabitants. I would like to keep a Jawfish and am wondering if either of my tank sizes would be suitable. Also I would appreciate knowing what tankmates and general conditions they like and any interesting experiences you have had...
  4. Has anyone seen this stuff before?

    It is a white thread-like substance...probably a not-nice algae that is covering my rock and macroalgaes.
  5. Homeless Cinnamon Clown

    My female Cinnamon Clown, Fishie, is distraught! She's homeless! She has no roots! She has resided (briefly) in 3 different anemones only to have them die out from under her. I am tired of animals dying on my watch and I don't plan to try another anemone, so she hasn't had a host for several...
  6. Congrats to the Winner of Photo Contest #2: Clownfish!

    What a beautiful photo! I, for one, would love to see more of your tank. Thanks for sharing it!
  7. REALLY High Alkalinity

  8. REALLY High Alkalinity

    Thanks, Randy. I have read the article you mentioned but am still unsure how to apply the information to my situation. My calcium is slowly rising, but so is the alkalinity. The Ca as of yesterday is 375. I am using Crystal Sea salt mix, not Seachem. Is there the same issue with boron in Crystal...
  9. REALLY High Alkalinity

    I've been keeping a 100 gallon reef tank since March 2002 and I have had very high alkalinity almost from the start. The last test I performed was with the LaMotte test kit and the result was 520 ppm. I divided that by 17.85 to get the dKH — 29! This doesn't surprize me since I have getting...
