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Recent content by ulmo

  1. Equipment sale pt1

    Mike, I hope you are not getting out of reefing! Peter
  2. mixing firefish gobies and damsels?

    I would not mix firefish with damsels in any order. They are just too skidish and would never venture out to feed with damsels around.
  3. ulmo

    I saw your old post about the blue cespitularia and was wondering if you have any more frags. I...

    I saw your old post about the blue cespitularia and was wondering if you have any more frags. I can offer you a neon green toadstool frag.
  4. RIP Bob Fenner:(

    This is so sad! He had such an informative website and even responded to my question. RIP Mr. Fenner!
  5. Fs: king/passer Angelfish

    That's one beautiful fish! I just wish I had a larger tank. :) Good luck with the sale!
  6. For the newbies...

    Mike, Sorry for your loss! I can totally relate.
  7. Prattreef 10/16/17

  8. 10g rimless cube

    Interested, if not too far away on LI.
  9. In need of some chaeto

    Hi Ed, I'm in Nassau county if you are willing to pickup the chaeto.
  10. Breakdown Sale - Everything must go ASAP!

    PM about the Phosban reactors.
  11. Free sps frags to sps newbies ONLY

    Sent you a PM.
  12. Macroalgae

    Thanks Mike! I sent you a PM.
  13. Macroalgae

    Thanks for the offer anthonys51. I'm in Nassau county so it's too far for me. Thanks again.
  14. Macroalgae

    Looking for any caulerpa or other macroalgae to start a refugium. I have some anthelia for trade.
  15. Fish dying Help

    From your description, it maybe marine velvet. It's difficult to treat. I would try to move the remaining fish to a separate tank.
