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Recent content by vanceny

  1. Dowflakes

    Do you remember how much it came out to be?
  2. Dowflakes

    Bringing back an old thread, I've finally run out of the old dow flake and looking for a new source of calcium. Has anyone tried the Ca from bulkreefsupply? The shipping is a bit expensive. Buckeyefieldsupply is also currently selling another brand of Ca with better shipping rates. Just...
  3. Some Gym quipment For Sale/Moving

    I'll probably end up using it as a clothes hanger. Thanks but I'll pass. :bump:
  4. Some Gym quipment For Sale/Moving

    Interested in the treadmill, which model is it? Also do you have a pick of the folding table?
  5. Astoria,

    I thought Berkel Marine closed down? Are they still open or did they move? Are they on Northern Blvd in LIC?
  6. H20 in elmurst

    i think they need to pay to become a vendor here.
  7. Rics

    do you come to the city at all? interested in the orange in the first pic.
  8. Frags for sale!

    interested in orange and blue ric - where are you located in queens?
  9. Frags F/S

    If you have anymore of the Red white center or the No Name #1 let me know.
  10. Drink Coffee? Want a $100? Look here...

    Thanks for the generosity and giving the MR community a chance to make some money. I just made the donation.
  11. Drink Coffee? Want a $100? Look here...

    Not a problem. Thanks anyway.
  12. Spot feeding Rics?

    That maybe true but I think if you want them to reproduce faster spot feeding would help. I think that our vendor here SWA has a feeding procedure that they use.
  13. Spot feeding Rics?

    For those that do so, do you need to put an inverted bottle over them so fish do not steel the food? Also what are you feeding? Thanks.
  14. Drink Coffee? Want a $100? Look here...

    I started the questions last week. Should I bother finishing? Or is it too late.
  15. CD-R help

    If you put a music cd in, does it play? How many different brands have you tried? If your using Windows XP there is also a built in burning feature. Place a blank disk into the drive and then open it. Drag files into the cd. On the left there should be an option that says Write Files to...
