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Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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theres a warning for the new dowflake bags. They are no longer extracting the bromine from their calcium chloride so you may get elevated bromine levels from dosing with dowflake made past 2007.


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the use of Dow is not recommended for prolonged use. Randy over in RC says it is fine to up the levels in your new batch of saltwater but not for dosing.... b/c we don't know the outcome of elevated levels of bromine or bromide or w/e


Smokin' Reefer (aka KRS)
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ahh that sucks....then 2 part solutions is the only option to dose calcium?

Nope. I thought about using the HD 'Peladow' (DowFlake) CaCl as a calcium booster, but lack of knowledge of the unknown chemicals made me uneasy about using it in my tank.

Instead, recommendations from fellow reefers led me to buy the ESV CaCl:


I've been using it for a month with great success. Just make sure you mix
it in some cold RO/DI before adding to the tank. Do not increase Ca levels by more than 25ppm/day. Also you must monitor your Alk when dosing this, as it will drop as the Ca rises.

Use this online calculator to determine your needs to reach your desired target.

Hope this helps.


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peladow has also had that change done,

but theres a GB going on for bulkreefsupply. supposedly they have higher grade Ca that does not have the elevated levels of bromide... worth checking out


Senior Member
Woodside, Queens
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Bringing back an old thread, I've finally run out of the old dow flake and looking for a new source of calcium. Has anyone tried the Ca from bulkreefsupply? The shipping is a bit expensive. Buckeyefieldsupply is also currently selling another brand of Ca with better shipping rates.

Just wanted to know if anyone has had experience these.

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