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Recent content by vr6nitro

  1. green water??????

    OK. I had purchased some crabs, hermits, stars, and some snails. At this point 90% of the bloom was gone. I put them in and started doing some research on anenomes and found they need lighting, sooo I put the lights on 8 hrs a day and next thing you know where back where we started. I have a...
  2. green water??????

    Don't quite remember. Good thing I wrote down the readings. :lol:
  3. green water??????

    update. Turned off the reactor and lights. I also took the paneling for the stand and covered the glass completely not to let any light in. It has already gotten about 25% clearer. I also tested the water and all the tests readings seem to be where they belong. Thanks for all the ideas. I'll...
  4. green water??????

    thanks gents. I was also drunk when i posted in the sump.
  5. green water??????

    Hey ereryone, Well let's start from the beginning. Specs: 180 half oval: 60x28x28 wet-dry flt aquac 120ev korralin 1200 600 watt lighting 100 lbs of live sand 70 lbs live rock Tank has been completely set up for about 3 weeks. The water got very cloudy after the putting in the sand, so i...
