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Recent content by Wes

  1. Wes's "Raleighwood" 250g In-Wall Build

    Thanks guys.
  2. Wes's "Raleighwood" 250g In-Wall Build

  3. Wes's "Raleighwood" 250g In-Wall Build

    Thanks guys.
  4. Wes's "Raleighwood" 250g In-Wall Build

    Hey guys. Sorry I don't come around and post much but here are a few recent iPhone pics w/ some new "eco-gorgs".
  5. Great Fish Food!

    Larry is a good dude and his food is awesome!
  6. JF's 170

    Looking good man.
  7. Teco Seachill TR5 1/12hp chiller (NEW)

    $400 shipped
  8. Teco Seachill TR5 1/12hp chiller (NEW)

    I am selling a brand new Teco Seachill TR5 1/12hp chiller. Rated for aquariums up to 60 gallons. It has never been removed from the box. The retail price is $500. I am selling for $425 shipped obo
  9. galaxy s3?

    Why do you feel the need to insult people who like a different phone? Why is it that only android owners have an insulting smug arrogance about phone choice? It's just a phone, why do you have such a chip on your shoulder towards iPhone owners? Get a life nerd. Did an iPhone owner stuff you...
  10. galaxy s3?

    Funny I just had lunch with someone who switched from galaxy to the iPhone. His biggest complaint about the galaxy was that when OS updates came out his phone wasn't supported.
  11. Prattreef re-scape video

    The tank looks incredible Randy. Love the Japanese Swallowtail! How many yellow choris wrasse are in there 3? I was thinking about adding some more halichoeres but I wasn't sure if they would all get along.
  12. galaxy s3?

    I don't want a bigger screen. I hope the rumors are false (they usually are). If the next iPhone is bigger I'll probably just go hold onto my iPhone 4. 2 years old and still works like a champ.
  13. galaxy s3?

    Nice specs but it's too big and has a terrible OS.
