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Recent content by YVR97

  1. Miracle grow for coral?

    Can anyone suggest something to help the soft coral grow. My levels are all good, I'm feeding my fish with arctic copepods until my ref is up and running. Is there a suggestion so I don't look like a complete newbie if I ask at the fish store. Thanks!
  2. Ozone or not?

    I'm still new to this all but I'm working out the future projects for the tank. Do you suggest Ozone or not? I have 75gal reef and using Octo skimmer which I will feed it though...I think?! Is it worth the risk?
  3. My hermit crabs are bullies!

    I have gone to bed seeing one crab and a snail at one end of the tank...in the morning the crab is strutting around in his newly "aquired" home. For the sake of my snails...is there another member of the cleaner crew you suggest? In quarenteen until they find a new home!
  4. Help! Random Question

    this is the best pic of his shrimp buddy...and yes they are on a jet...I was adjusting them all and saw this happend
  5. Help! Random Question

    Finally have it all up and running but I have random questions... What is this white substance attached to live rock that i added to my tank a few months ago? My cucumber's shrimp went missing :( if I get him a new one will they be friends or no point?! On my coral there is the second weird...
