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Recent content by zeroblake07

  1. Looking for a good, gooooood protein skimmer for my 30 gls nuvo tank.

    Hello everybody! I will like to ask to all of you regarding a good choice to buy another protein skimmer for my tank. I bought the Skinmate protein skimmer from innovative marine for my nuvo tank, so this one was working really good until this past few week is doing overflow almost all the...
  2. Kind of anemone??

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  3. Kind of anemone??

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  4. Green struff in my skimmer??

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  5. Green struff in my skimmer??

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  6. Something wrong with my frogspawn!

    Hello everybody, i will like to know what is going on with my frogspawn coral is loosing something like brown skin of the skeleton, the coral open really good , I feed it and eats good once every week a little piece of scallop. With my jobs I have only the night time to check the water...
  7. Innovative Marine 16 Gallon Nano

    Hey buddy what type of GFO are you using in the Minimax Reactor? I have the same reactor but I don't putting to run yet. Thank you
  8. IM NUVO 30. new set up..!

    Hey buddy!! Is interesting to hear to somebody who has an IM 30, that's good!! Yeah! I'm also using the inTank media baskets and are awesome provide a better filtration than the original sponges, I'm using the Skinmate Skimmer from IM too, is good, the only issue that I got with it was the...
  9. First couple of stages Nuvo 30!!!

    Your tank looks amazing buddy!! Nice Aquascape!
  10. First couple of stages Nuvo 30!!!

    Hey buddy!! How you doing!! I have the same Skimmer and this skimmer is making lots of bubbles that goes to my tank, is really annoying see everyday all this little bubbles around the display, I've been trying to find the right level of foam to keep them out, and also I moved from the right to...
  11. JonnyJ's Elos system 20 [Mini] Naturalistic approach - all hitchikers.

    Damn!! What amazing live rock where did you find it?? By the way your tank is sooo amazing!!
  12. 7.5 gallon SPS Nano Cube With Sump

    wow this is the best nano aquarium that i've never seen before, i love this type of nanos that I own 2 of them but looking yours makes me work hard to one day build one like yours. Now I understand that i have to research info about everything , one of the most interests to me is the sump or...
  13. Innovative Marine 16 Gallon Nano

    wow that's really amazing tank..! how long had been set it up? what type of filter system do use for it? and what is your salinity level?? thank you buddy
  14. IM NUVO 30. new set up..!

    Here are the first pictures of my simple set up, is only about 18lbs of live rock now. I want to add some of Florida live rock to make a amazing environment for my corals and fishes, does anybody have a IM micro 30 gallons? I will like to know if you had any problems with cloudy water. Also I'm...
