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Reefer Madness
Jersey City, NJ
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Well i have a 10g nano i have yet to post being new and all but i did something i couldn't pass up since i couldn't get cash back at petland discounts. So i had a 25 dollar credit and wasn't sure what to do with it...SO.. this is what i did.

Negative and Positive comments welcomed. Due to this being an experiment i've never had the pleasure of doing till now or seeing it in person.

2.5 gallon tall Aquarium Masters tank
3 white leds, battery operated for now.
Custom led enclosure, the kitchen has lots of hidden secrets
5 gallon hang on Tetra F10 filter
Some live sand and rock from my current 10gal
an astrea snail
and 2 genie pigs(domino damsels)

All my parameters are in order as far as testing. And i didnt want the piggies messing with my clown/Nem hosting in my 10g.

Lets see...









Here is a vid of it in action and how i put it all together.


Reefer Madness
Jersey City, NJ
Rating - 100%
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Thanks for the comments everyone, Im pretty proud of it. Considering its size. Its so much clearer in person.

Well i got the 1 snail in there to keep it some what clean from algae and the 2 dominos which suck *** lmfao....they love this tank tho and will let me know if anything goes wrong before something nicer goes in and dies. The led in it is SICK! if anyone is interested in it i got it at staples for $6.50 and its a touch on/off system.

I was think about seahorses but there is alot of current and would like to get a cree led set up for it.
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