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Experienced Reefer
Albany ny
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So I have a 29 gal Biocube with radion over it for lighting (6 months now). I have Mixed reef, sps heavy. I have been dosing the major stuff Mag, alk, and calcium as the demand goes up so does my dosing. I have also been dosing Zeovit aminos and a few other products. (not the whole zeovit system tho), I have been dosing the Red Sea NO3PO4x (carbon dosing) for nutrient control. Skimmer

Keeps my Nitrates 0
Nitirtes 0

amonia 0

calcium 450, mag 1400s, alk 8-9, PH 8.3 - 7.75 (night)

I had some killer Acans that were growing like weeds, and one by one they began to die off. Nothing really changed except for the Lighting with the Radion. Infact they they grew at a faster rate and the colors intensified for a good three months after I hung the light. NOw I went from having 6 awesome to 1. Im not sure if when I added the last one if maybe it was infected?

NOw I see some other LPS looking IFFY, and others look great. Maybe there is some chemical warefare going on now that space is becoming an issue?

Or maybe is it the Low nutrient enviornment?

What do you guys think? Can you offer any suggestions? If you want any other info let me know.....
Long Island
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What are your phosphates at? If your running ULNS, what are you feeding the corals? Also, you have a very wild pH swing. Your swing is almost 6 points every night, that stress will kill off many corals. What are you dosing for Alk?
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Experienced Reefer
Albany ny
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Yeah the ph swing has been a problem..... And yes I dose every night when the lights go out, plus the refugium is on to counter the swing as much as possible. Plus my auto top off has kalk in it to combat the swing. My alk runs at about 8-9. This problem has been there before I had problems with the corals, infact they were thriving. The tank is packed with sps and so I figure at night the oh drops so drastically bc of the consumption of o2 by the corals at night vs production of co2.

Sps do not show any signs of stress.

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