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After over a year of maintaining my 100 Gallon reef, I've decided to start my second tank, a 15 Gallon Nano.

Now I know technically a Nano means no skimmers etc., but what kind of filtration are you guys finding is easier to deal with?

Everything I've read says to use LR LS a powerhead, heater and lights. I have a small 15" PC hood (2 - 32W), a 15 gallon tall tank, a powerhead, heater, and enough LS and LR from my main tank to choke a horse. But I'm debating on getting some type of hang-on filtration for the tank. Maybe dealing with my main tank, which utilizes a wet/dry and protein skimmer, has me debating on now moving to a skimmerless system.

What do you guys think?

Any Nanos out there? What type of filtration are you using?


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I'm about two weeks into a 2.5 gallon project. I'll put up more pictures this weekend. I'm running it with a baffle refugium (built into the tank). Do a search on here for 'baffle refugium' and you'll probably be able to come up with the threads.


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I got a 15 galln Nano.

I am running a penquin HOB filter WITHOUT the Bio-Wheel. I have a 3-4 in DSB and about 10-15 lbs of LR. I have a JBJ 130W (1 65W 1ok and 1 65W Actinic) light. I am using a modified Lee's Skimmer that pulls out very little but I think it is better than nothing. I am mainly relying on water changes though.

I now see that Tetra makes a HOB filter that incoporates a built in heater into it. I would have went with that if I knew to remove the ugly heater from the tank.

Good Luck.
og kush photos


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I'm thinking about getting a hang-on wet/dry or maybe even a mud system. Any thoughts?


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I have a Bakpak on my 28. I'm happy with it and I can put the heater in the second chamber out of sight.


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Exactly. I have a 15 gal high, and have a bakpak on it. I can hide my ph probe, heater, grounding probe, and whatever else (carbon for instance.)

The skimmer doesn't pull out much on a regular basis, but it gives me a little extra water and I get to keep all the clutter out of my tank.


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Thanks for the tips. I ended up buying a hang on wet/dry and using an additional powerhead for circulation. The water is clearing up and once it's ready I'll post a couple pictures. Thanks again.


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Why does a nano mean no skimmer?

I ran a lee's skimmer modified to fit into a wisper filter, on my 10g nano tank

Joey French

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I know it may not be popular to suggest this, but I have a 20 gallon with an ecosystem 40 on it, quite pricey, but it has been the best filter I have used thus far. I believe you could get the same results from oolitic in a hang on fuge, but I haven't tried it, so I don't know. Anyway, I vouch for the mud filter hang on idea...


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Joey- I was thinking about getting the hang-on mud system but with the price tag I decided against it. My local LFS gives me really good prices but could not do any better then $225 for the system, which seemed a little excessive. I am building a new tank, 155+, and am thinking about going with a mud system on that, but for now my $30 hang-on wet/dry will do fine for my 15 Gallon.


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I have a 10 g nano tank. 17 lbs LR, 3 1/2 sand bed (Carib Sea Seaflor), 5 astreas, 4 bumblebees, 5 scarlet hermits, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 ocellaris clown, various zoanthids and poylps, and a serpent star. So far, it's doing great. The way I set mine up was to build a HOB filter/refugium from acrylic. It uses an internal overflow and U tube to siphon water into the first chamber. Next compartment has the heater and a Lee skimmer (not much of a skimmer IMO). Next one houses a Maxi Jet 400 (106gph) PH to return water to tank. The compartment beside it is the refugium. The divider between the refuge and the PH compartment is drilled with 15 (I think) 1/4" holes. Inside the refuge is a Mini Jet that returns refuge water to tank and gives a slow flow through the refuge. So far, this setup is working great. The internal overflow takes up a lot of room in the tank, but I wanted it anyway for surface skimming. I also have another Maxi 400 in tank for circulation. So far, everything I have put in there is thriving and the tank seems healthy. The Lee skimmer doesn't really pull anything out. I don't know if it's because it's not much of a skimmer or that there isn't much for it to get. I do a 2 gal water change every week. Anyway, I ended up with a neat looking tank for very little money invested. Nanos are lots of fun if you realize their limitations.
Logan J


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I ran a 15g nano with an eheim liberty 200 HOB filter. It has plenty of room for a bag of chemipure and a bag of phoszorb. It pushes 200gph. I have 35lbs of sand and 20lbs of rock...

it was lit with 2-36w PC's 10k and 7100k blue...

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