Hows your 2.5 going? did you ever use the dremel approach, thats what I have tried and it seems to work well. I use a rougher bit to do the grinding and then one of the polishing spinners to knock off the nicks here and there... I dont know what I would do without my dremel and my jigsaw.
Your refugium is well designed also, you will have room for alot of macro algae in there. Have you stocked it yet? I still think someone should try a small fish in a pico. Unlike the bulk of the population who would flame a person for trying this, I dont think a 2.5 is too small for a neon goby or a cherry-head goby. As long as you don't get ammonia/trite in the water, and the fish swims and eats healthfully, what the hell can they complain about?

Some people say that keeping a fish in a small reef is mean, but I say a ten gallon is a small reef and many keep multiple fish in those... if the fish acts normal, and water parameters test fine, then I don't think the fish can tell the difference between a 10g and a pico.
BTW, there is no official measurement for a "pico" but Id like to propose that a reef be called a pico if it is less than five gallons. JMO! 5-15 gallons is nano and 15 on up is a micro reef. This had nothing to do with your post, just thought I would insert it.
ps I think atto should be used on anything less than 20 ounces (coming soon to a dream near me)