LPS and SPS corals are happy in these aquaria, that is until they grow up against the sides of the tank and are restricted. Obviously I prune them out before then, and as long as they are increasing polyps and sustaining the ones they have I consider them happy.
Take the caulastrea right in the middle of this small reef. I got it as a freebie frag because the LFS thought it was too far gone. In a few months it has regrown both polyps fully, and is laying down new calcium structure at the base of each head. The smaller polyp was the first to split and gain an extra mouth. As the specimen grows slowly, its easy to tell the new base--the new part is a different color than the older skeleton as it has become encrusted. Corals won't extend polyps and undergo asexual reproduction in a system that restricts any of the vital pathways (oxygen, nutrient balance, circulation, temp, waste control)
This caulastrea frag was removed from the femtoreef and placed in the Mini75, right in the center. its the two-headed frag in the above post...