I have been interested in building a nano, for about a year now, and have the money to do so(high school student). I was wondering if I could buy the "Mini bow" starter kit. It is a 5 gallon bow tank, which comes with a 15 watt incandescent. I am going to upgrade the lighting once I get money to buy a power compact. I am just wondering if I can use incandescent on it for a couple months. I have never heard of incandescent use so I am just wondering. I would just keep low light coral, such as mushrooms, and I would probably keep them towards the top. I would also have w hisper power filter and a powerhead on it, with live sand and live rock.... Thgank you for listening.
I have been interested in building a nano, for about a year now, and have the money to do so(high school student). I was wondering if I could buy the "Mini bow" starter kit. It is a 5 gallon bow tank, which comes with a 15 watt incandescent. I am going to upgrade the lighting once I get money to buy a power compact. I am just wondering if I can use incandescent on it for a couple months. I have never heard of incandescent use so I am just wondering. I would just keep low light coral, such as mushrooms, and I would probably keep them towards the top. I would also have w hisper power filter and a powerhead on it, with live sand and live rock.... Thgank you for listening.