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50 gallon Aquasystem
2 25lb bags of pure argonite
1 order from indo pacific farms (live activator kit) 9 for $99
consists of reef worms, hermits, snails (astrea and nerite), 300 ml of live sand, amphipods, sandbed clams



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I would allow several weeks, just to be safe. If you're also using live rock it will help greatly. You can expect some of the seeding stock to slow down during the cycling process.


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I also have about 50 lbs on live rock. How will I know when the sand has been completed seeded and is filtering the water.


Experienced Reefer
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How deep a sand bed would the 2 25 lb bags make in a tank your size? (you can use the sandbed calculator at purearagonite.com to check)


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You'll need to test for ammonia and its oxidized components, nitrites and nitrates. Once your nitrAtes have hit zero you'll know you've completed your cycle, though many folks don't wait for nitrates to hit zero.

If you haven't already purchased a test kit, I'll suggest either SeaChem or Salifert.


Advanced Reefer
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The sandbed and rock should be ready to support a light entry-level bioload very soon after standing in circulating water...ie maybe a couple week or so. If this LR was curing in a dealers tank, almost immediately.

Enough can't be said about directly feeding a sandbed (or your system even without fish initially) to help establish the fauna--various copepods and especially burrowing worms of various classification. These guys need protein input too, and many choose to let them scavenge bits of detritus and protein that will even be found in a brand new system (all the more if its cured LR). **There was once a time when I thought copepods needed Dt's more than anything. Might still think like this if it werent for the knowledge and friendliness of Eric Borneman through his internet forum, he pointed me in the direction if system feeding and protein maintenance...

You can provide a boost to the population density of this fauna by boosting a very important niche variable---increase food availability in the vital space (your tank). Put simply, if you will directly feed your pods and worms with crushed food of one kind or another, this will seed and establish pops faster than relying on systemic detritus.

Also, how about not putting in fish for a few months? Its only my opinion, but to make a long story short I say its better to get a hold on bacterial colonies vs. nitrogen bioload and direct feeding vs. infaunal population before introducing organisms that will tip the balance in both of these critical factors. Hopefully the outcome is less algae in the long run!!!




Advanced Reefer
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Also, a sandbed can nitrify much quicker than it can establish a decent burrowing animal population. Your question as to when it is ready: as far as processing bioloads see above post, and as far as getting notable worm tracks in there Id say 4 months. Quicker if you buy Garf Grunge or other seeding kits...

Whether or not a sandbed of this depth in your tank will completely cycle nitrogen products (gaseous endpoint as opposed to nitrates) depends on may variables. Its nearly impossible to get this action in most nanos, but under some conditions I think it can be done (ie a very deep bed w fine grains)

Your bed should be ready to support life very quickly, it should be teeming with life in a few months or quicker, depending on your feeding schedule and mechanical filtration means.



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I have a 50 gallon Aquasystem with a cpr bak pak. The live rock I've had for over 3 years. There is one clown fish in the tank which I feed formula one. There is no type of filtration besides the live rock, protein skimmer and the sandbed.

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