just curious to know what do you guys have your mp10 set at in a nano tank what would you recommend for a bc 29 also can just one mp 10 create wave effect in a my tank
yea 100% in a bc 29 seems too high i usually have it bet 50 and 60% at this point and i also dont have the hood on my bio cube i have a sunpod on it instead..nanotuners led system is just too much money and the pc's just plain suck cause they are too expensive and they are hard to find at lfs
really 100% i guess i will have to work with my placement on some of my corals which require less flow cause that thing is a beast it pushes some serious freakin water
I had to wait for the sandstorm to settle out when I first got it and also strategically placed the corals, but I've been running it that way for over a year and am happy with it. I have it placed (if you are looking at the front of the tank) on the right side, as close to the front of the glass as I can get it and as high up as I can get it without sucking air from the surface.