its for verizon .. its jailbroken .. the front and back screen are cracked and it needs a new home button .. if you want pics text me 6463725805 .. will be in the city all day today
If u take it to the apple store you get a one time courtesy replacemnet , i know two people who have done this, so to the guy that bought it, just go to apple and get it replaced for free. Good deal by the way
Sorry bro lol but my boy put me on to this a few days ago , he went to the staten island apple store and they did it free of charge as a one time courtesy, at least u know for the future.
That one time courtesy is a myth. If you do go NEVER mention the one time exception. They will automatically deny you. Usually if you get someone who doesn't care they'll replace whatever lol
They usually only do the courtesy replacement for old phones like the 3GS IF you have an account with apple in good standing, so go ahead and throw your perfectly good phone with a few scratches at a wall.