How much is the second pic of sps?
Diaseris fragilis (Finally back in stock!)
Ultra Chalices
Aussie Micromussa
Insanely bright green Blastos (These open up to be a lot bigger)
Blue Pagoda
Kryptonite Candy Cane
what are the prices on the pagoda and the alveopora?
btw the strawberry shortcake frags just starting to color up last week. still a little brown at the base but gaining more green and pink as we speak...:wink1:
Thank you for testing Ca in my tank water today at the Coral Theory. I'm sorry I didn't ask your name. I've seen a lot of great frags that I will be interested in. I am still waiting for Coral RX. Once I got it I will pay you a visit again.
Tiger Tunicates any more of thosE?