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Central Aquariums Corp.

Heres our stock list for this week. We will also be bringing in 4 boxes of sps corals at a sale price of $30 each. 120 sps piece total. We will also be bringing in some australian dendros and acans in on Friday as well.

Bartlett Anthias $30
Square Anthias Female $15
Square Anthias Male $25
Lyretail Anthias Male $20
Lyretail female $15
Tricolor Anthias $25
Hutch Anthias $15
Dispar Anthias $10
Bimac Anthias $15

Masked Zebra Angel Female $145
French Angel adult showsize $250
Blueface Angel adult $125
Flagfin Angel $35/40
Emperor Angel juvi $45/55
Emperor Angel adult $125
Koran Angel juvi $25/35
Koran Angel changing $65
Elibi Angel $18
Flame Angel $28
Bicolor Angel $18
Watanabei Angel $55
Zebra Angel $65
Potter Angel $30
Lemonpeel Angel $25
Cherub Angel $15
Poma Angel $50
Chrysurus Angel juvi $145

Algae Blenny $14
Twospot Blenny $12
Arabian Blenny $20
Combtooth Blenny $15
Tailspot Blenny $18
Scooter Blenny $10
Red Scooter Blenny $20
Fang Blenny $25
Starry Blenny $25

Longnose Butterfly $22
Heniochous md/lg $28/$35
Saddleback Butterfly $25/35
Falcula Butterfly $25/35/75
Auriga Butterfly sm $25/75
Teardrop Butterfly $25
Golden Butterfly $95
Morish Idol lg $75

Ring-tailed Cardinal $15
Bangaii Cardinal $10
Pj Cardinal $10

Occealaris $10/16
Tomato Clown $15
Fire Clown $28
Clarki Clown $10
Saddleback Clown $20
B&W Percula $25

Domino Damsel $3
Yellowtail Damsel $3
4 stripe Damsel $3
Blue Devil Damsel $3
Allen Damsel $5
Garbaldi Damsel $75/95/140/165
Yellowbelly Damsel $4

Chainlink Eel $25
Snowflake Eel $18
Tessalata Eel $100
Garden Eel $25
Blue Ribbon Eel $45

Yellow Clown Goby $8
Green Clown Goby $8
Engineer Goby $8/12
Diamond Goby $20
Pinkbar Goby $20/45
Yellow Watchmen Goby $10
Bluespotted Watchmen $25
Red Firefish $10
Purple Firefish $15
Scissortail Dartfish $10
Redstripe Tilefish $30
Purple Tilefish $35
Pastel Tilefish $30
Valenci Goby $10
Pinkspotted Goby $20

Picasso Trigger $20/55
Bluethroat Trigger female $28
Bluethroat Trigger male $35
Blueline Trigger $85/125
Clown Trigger $85
Pinktail Trigger $35
Niger Trigger $20
Crosshatch Trigger female $265

Porcupine Puffer $15
Dogface Puffer $22/35
Tobin Puffer $20
Guinifowl Puffer $250
Golden Puffer $220

Purple Tang $65/110
Bristletooth Tang $25
Yellow Mimic Tang $25
Yellow Tang sm/md/lg $25/35/55
Hippo Tang sm/md/xlg $25/32/48/85
Hippo Tang Yellow Belly $40/85
Vlamingi Tang $45/65
Powder Blue Tang sm/md $30/$55/85
Powder Brown Tang $25/35
Naso Tang sm/lg $25/$55
Blonde Naso tang sm/md/xlg $35/125/$175
Tomini Tang sm/lg $35/45
Goldrim Tang $45
Scopas Tang $25
Sailfin Tang sm $25/45
Sailfin Tang Red sea sm $45
Chevron Tang $95
Sohal Tang $95
Unicorn Tang xxl $350
Barrien Tang xxl $165
Clown Tang md/ xlg $45/100

Volitan Lionfish $45/100
Fu Manchu Lionfish $45
Dwarf Lionfish $35

Whitestripe Grouper $30
Oriental Sweetlip $30
Harlequin Sweetlip $28
Panther Grouper $25

Rhino Filefish $45
Orangespotted Filefish $30

2spot Corris Wrasse adult $35/45/55
Carpenter Wrasse $30
Redfin Wrasse $30
Filament Wrasse $30
Bluesided Wrasse $25
Whipfin Wrasse $30
Jensen Wrasse $28
Cleaner Wrasse $10
Red Corris Wrasse $20/35/135
Green Corris Wrasse $15
Melagridis Wrasse $25
Pink Margin Wrasse male $75

Emerald Crab $6
Blood Shrimp $20
Pepperment Shrimp $6
Hermit Crab $1.25
Scarlet Crab $4
Bumble Bee Snail $1.50
Cleaner Shrimp $20
Sandsifting Star $10
Choclate Chip $8
Bristle Star $10
Haitian Anemone $18
Purple Reef Lobster $15
Sand Anemone $25
Sebae Anemone $22

All SPS Corlas on Sale $30 each colony

Gold Maxima Clam 4.5 inches $65

LPS Corals
Green Star Polyp $35
Daisy Polyps $35
Green Galaxia $35
Green Mushrooms $35
Blue Mushrooms $35
Hairy Mushrooms $35
Zoanthid $35-75
Favia $20-125
Hammer Coral $65/85
Bubble Coral $45/55
Toadstool Leather $35/55
Welsophylia $45-125
Trachyfylia $50
Pagoda Cup $35
Alvepora $35
Combo Rock $85
Carnation $35
Green Candy Cane $35
Lobophylia $45
And much more..........
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Heres a pic of there last coral order


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Central Aquariums Corp.

Hey guys you should sell t5 bulbs like high end !! ati giesmann !! so can buy from you e=when shopping ! for live stock thanks

Working on it

hey guys any Angler fish in Stock??

Right now just the sargasm angler

Elibi Angel $218??? :bigeyes2:

Yes that is the special elibi that talksto you in three different languages :lol_large. It was a typo only $18

Is the sps sale for today or for Sunday

Sps come in sunday and the sale price is for sunday and monday only.

With prices like this that y I stay away or I would have a 100 fish already lol if u guys get a pair if leopard wrasse lmk

lol ill let you know if I get them in

dispars $10 - awesome deal!!! how big?

1 to 2 inches

Just left saw lots of fish. Just let you guys know Ebli is $18 not $218. Dispars if I remember nice small 1 to 2 inches. Looks like another big SPS this Sunday.

Thanks Pat


Holy Fish and Corals Batman!!!!!

Just dried my hands. Picked up a nice Royal Gramma and a Blue Sided Wrasse. Also some great Acan frags for 20 each!!!! Lots more there. LPS looks great and the SPS tank looked :eek: AMAZING!! Great job guys!!!

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