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Midnight angel = $14.99
melas angel = $ 14.99
half black angel = $14.99
singapore angel = $14.99
pacific regal angel = $49.99
mimic tang =$14.99
orange surgeon = $19.99
convict tang = $14.99
striped bristletooth -=$14.99
bariene tang = $ 29.99
maculiceps surgeon = $39.99
fowleri tang = $99.99
redtail dottyback = $14.99
scissortail gurdgeon =$9.99
dusky wrasse =$14.99
carpenter's fairy =$14.99
maccosker's fairy =$14.99
exquisite fairy = $19.99****
lubbock's fairy = $14.99
tonozu fairy = $19.99
blue flasher wrasse = $29.99 paracheilinus cyaneus
debelius fairy =$29.99 cirrhilabrus adornatus

naokoaes fairy = $59.99 *****
whitespotted puffer = $19.99
map puffer = $79.99
stripe soldierfish =$29.99 four for $85
fire shrimp = $19.99
cleaner shrimp = $14.99
trochus histrio algae eating snail = $1.25 ea 25 for$25.00
emperor angel = $99.99******
halfblack angel = $14.99
lg clown trigger = $129.99
reef safe -china pearl wrasse = $39.99 anampses neoguimaicus
filamentous fairy = $14.99
yellow flanked fairy =$39.99 cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis
triple tail wrasse = $29.99

reef safe blue linkia starfish = $14.99

" come and get them before i shift over to the wholesale trade "

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