• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?

Luminous Aquatics

Online Retailer
Lancaster, PA
Hey Guys and Gals! We will be opening up our website to the public within the week. We are still doing a lot of back end work on the website with getting products listed and will likely be continuing to add much more even after we go live.

As of right now we are only listing WYSIWYG corals (70+ are listed up there right now with more to come)

Shipments are coming in, additional coral systems are being set up, and relationships are being made with dry good and equipment manufactures and distributors.

Our company is based out of Lancaster, PA, but I frequently travel between there and Staten Island (where I grew up and still have my personal systems set up). For anyone trying to avoid shipping fees on our site shoot me a PM and we will work something out with you!

Visit our website at www.luminousaquatics.com and join our mailing list to learn of the latest deals and coral updates as well as when we finally launch our site!

Once we open we will be offering a special discount on coroals for the first 10 MR members to place an order through the site!

Check back soon for more updates!

Luminous Aquatics

Online Retailer
Lancaster, PA
A list of dry goods an equipment products currently in the process of being up loaded to the website just to give you a little taste of what is to come!

Neptune Systems
Ecotech Marine
Reef Octo
Fauna Marin
Coralvue Family
New Life Spectrum foods

Also have plans on not only having some discounts for coral purchases at open, but also running a giveaway for a sweet Jawbreaker Mushroom.
1 entry will be granted per order placed from open until either a set date, or set number of orders have been placed.
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Luminous Aquatics

Online Retailer
Lancaster, PA
Placing an order for the Coralvue family of products which includes many favorites like..

Klir roller mat inserts
Radium bulbs
Lumen bright reflectors
Reef Octo

They also carry ICP water test kits which are only $29.95! Much cheaper than the competition.

Please let me know if you would like any items on this list!
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Luminous Aquatics

Online Retailer
Lancaster, PA
Our planned online opening will be Sunday 9/16.

Stay tuned for special discount codes available during our opening.

We also have decided to keep things a little fun and buried some discount codes in our website. We plan on continuing this beyond our grand opening to keep people engaged and reward those scavenger hunters!

Also keep an eye on our facebook and instagram posts for additional discounts.

Keep in mind, all discount codes will have a 1 time use per costomer and many will be limited to the number total uses before the code becomes inactive.

Luminous Aquatics

Online Retailer
Lancaster, PA
WE ARE LIVE! :thrash::groupflip::thrash::party::party::party:

Use coupon code: MRFAMILY10 for 10% off your 1st order of coral over $100. This coupon is limited to one use per customer, and 10 uses in total.

Also please bare with us if you notice any issues with the site, and email us at support@luminousaquatics.com with what those issues are so we can address them ASAP.

Happy Reefing!

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