- Location
- South Florida

Sorry about the lousy quality of the pics, I was using a disposable camera.

Slip Dick Wrasse, (I don't come up with the names), hanging out by a rock with halimeda on it.

The pic is bad I know, but there is a blenny in the picture on the left hand side, blending in to the bottom. Most tropicals camoflauge well despite their excellent color, and that is what I was trying to get in this pic.

Blue head wrasse

Blurry wrasse

Caulerpa on the left, see if you can spot the two neon gobies.

Same blue head wrasse from before, he followed me around it seemed, so I figured I had to take another pic.

This seaweed blenny hid right when I was taking the shot, but there is some rockwork here, and I didn't want to erase the picture.

I corralled a couple thousand silversides into a bait ball, and then kind of went into it, this is the pic.

This is a pic of the same school of silversides, they were like an acre thick. All those little specs and distortions you see are fish.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Looking out into the blue, that is a spot tail pinfish on the right.

Some spot tail pinfish and a powder blue surgeon.

Here is he is again. (The suregeon)

A school of a couple different kinds of fish. Spot tails, drums, porkfish, chubs, etc...

A rare site, a lone porkfish.

Hey a clear picture!

Drums hiding out under a ledge. There is a lot of them down there.

Can you spot the wrasse?

Couple thousand bermuda chubs in a very thick school. (Although this is not the whole school)

More of the school as they pass by.

Surgeons and a juvenile parrotfish