- Location
- South Florida
First, let me say we at Reef Cleaners were honored to host the 2nd Annual Ugly Tank Contest, and look forward to hosting next year's contest. This ridiculously long list are your 2009 ugliest tank of the year submissions: (Finalist selection below)
Lesser Awards:
Winner of the Worst Submission of the Year: (Central Valley Reefs) - no prize, just the shame of having a good looking tank
- This "Way too nice to be in a Ugly Tank Contest" tank didn't measure up, and came in dead last according to the judges.
Winner of the "Best Use of Nuisance Algae Award:" (3reef) Prize: When Macro comes back in season I will pick out something nice for the tank and ship it off to you. Just remind me in 2 months or so.
Lots of seahorse keepers would love to have this tank.
Your 2009 Ugly Tank Contest Finalists:
These tanks are all very ugly!
They are without a doubt in my mind the four worst looking tanks in existence, or at least all of them are in the bottom 10.
Number 3 might not look that way, but here is a pic of what it used to look like:
so, that weighed into my decision. Check back again as we round up the judges and choose a winner.
If you didn't win, email me through my website, www.reefcleaners.org for a $5 coupon code for your next order. We at the Ugly Tank Contest appreciate your entries.
Thanks again for everyone who participated, and for being good sports. A lot of the joy we get from hosting the Ugly Tank Contest is poking fun at the contestants a little bit, and I appreciate you all for putting up with it.


Lesser Awards:
Winner of the Worst Submission of the Year: (Central Valley Reefs) - no prize, just the shame of having a good looking tank

- This "Way too nice to be in a Ugly Tank Contest" tank didn't measure up, and came in dead last according to the judges.
Winner of the "Best Use of Nuisance Algae Award:" (3reef) Prize: When Macro comes back in season I will pick out something nice for the tank and ship it off to you. Just remind me in 2 months or so.

Lots of seahorse keepers would love to have this tank.
Your 2009 Ugly Tank Contest Finalists:

These tanks are all very ugly!

so, that weighed into my decision. Check back again as we round up the judges and choose a winner.
If you didn't win, email me through my website, www.reefcleaners.org for a $5 coupon code for your next order. We at the Ugly Tank Contest appreciate your entries.
Thanks again for everyone who participated, and for being good sports. A lot of the joy we get from hosting the Ugly Tank Contest is poking fun at the contestants a little bit, and I appreciate you all for putting up with it.