- Location
- Mount Vernon, 10552
I know you have a real job but...where the hell are ya son!
ugpm of an urgent nature...
ugpm of an urgent nature...
I think peeps should be banging down your doors to get the best quality fish in the tri-state...the way you quarantine and make sure all livestock is the healthiest before it goes to the new owners is amazing....Im restocking through Diamonds of the Reef, really I am.
Now hopefully you will be getting so much business that you can quit that "job" and answer your other PM's...lol
thxs for getting back to me..
they don't have a storefront just online. justin is in long island and dom is in north jersey. they don't ship but i believe they do "drop off" the fish in the city if you arrange for it. they have outstanding quality of fish for a very reasonable price. everything i've gotten from dom has been the best of health and excellent value.where are your guys located
since we're all asking questions, might as well ask mine:
which fish will tend to school more? longspine cardinal fish (Zoramia leptacanthus) ooooor the orange lined cardinal fish (Apogon cyanosoma)??
Hey Dom,
Have any Damsel's?
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