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No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
This is a pre-order and all orders must be in by Monday at 2PM. PayPal payment MUST be made by then as well to sales@diamondsofthereef.com unless you make special arrangements with me prior.

There is NO GUARANTEE ON THESE FISH after pick up. We wouldn't be able to offer these prices otherwise. Pick up is in Clifton, NJ or Manhattan. Other arrangements can be made but inquire first.

Please ask any questions you have as I threw this list together "with the quickness". Because of all of the requests we have for fish, I want to get this order in asap. If you want your fish QT'd I'll do it but the cost of the fish will increase.

Orders will be tracked with PayPal.

Current Orders:
Borbonius Anthias
Blue Spot Jawfish
Powder Brown Tangs
Dispar Anthias
Orange Shoulder Tang
Lubbocks Wrasse
Possum Wrasse
Picasso Clowns
Blueline Trigger
Green Chromis
Lawnmower Blenny
Yellow Tangs
Cerith Snails
Turbo Snails
Blue Leg Hermits
Emerald Crabs
Labouti Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Red Coco Worm
Duster Cluster
Vanderbilt Chromis
Rectangulatus Trigger
Starki Damsels

Bicolor Angel Sm/Md $16.76
Blue Angel (Car.) Lg $111.54
Blue Angel (Car.) Xlg $165.00
Blue Koran Angel (Indo) Lg $49.72
Blue Koran Angel (Indo) Sm $20.88
Blue Koran Angel (Indo) md $25.00
Coral Beauty Sm/Md $14.70
Golden Angel (Bali) $66.20
Halfblack Angel $12.15
Imperator Angel (Indo) Lg $123.88
Juv Annularis Angel (Indo) Sm $51.70
Melas Angel $12.64
Midnight Angel $13.69
Navarchus Angel (Indo) Md $88.86
Passer Angel (Mex.) Lg $123.88
Pigmy Angel (Car.) $28.11
Pigmy Angel (Indo) $12.15
Regal Angel (Red Sea) LG $113.58
Rusty Angel $14.70
Singapore Angel (Indo) Sm $12.64
Watanabai Angel-Male Md $82.68
Watanabei-Female Md $62.08

Auriga Butterfly Lg $24.92
Auriga Butterfly Md $15.75
Copperband Butterfly (Indo) Md $31.20
Copperband Butterfly (Indo) Sm $26.05
Heniochus Blk&White Md $22.94
Heniochus Blk&white Smd $18.82
Pakistan Butterfly (Indo) Sm $16.27
Pearlscale Butterfly Md $19.87
Pebbled Butterfly Md $19.87
Punctatofasciatus Butterfly Md $15.75
Racoon Butterfly Lg $35.30
Racoon Butterfly Md $26.57
Racoon Butterfly Sm $17.81
Saddleback Butterfly (Indo) Md $20.88
Saddleback Butterfly (Indo) Sm $15.75
Tahitian Butterfly Lg $62.08

Clarki Clown Lg $27.06
Fire Tomato Clown (Indo) Md $15.75
Fire Tomato Clown (Indo) Sm $12.64
Gold Striped Maroon Md $28.11
Gold Striped Maroon Sm $19.87
Maroon Clown (Sol) Lg $22.94
Maroon Clown (Sol) Md $17.81
Orange Skunk Clown (Indo) S/M $9.57
Percula Clown (Indo) Lg $10.09
Pink Skunk Clown (Indo) Sm $6.46
T/R Black Occellaris (Aus) $72.38
T/R Occelaris 1.5" $15.75
Tank Raised Picasso Clown $31.18

Allen's Damsel $8.52
Black Bar Chromis $3.39
Blue Damsel (Indo) $2.67
Chromis Green (Indo) $2.67
Fiji Damsel $8.52
Four Striped Damsel (Indo) $2.67
Gold Damsel $4.19
Kupang (Hemicyanea) Damsel $4.40
Starcki Damsel (Australia) $31.10
Three Spot Domino Damsel (Indo) $2.67
Three Striped Damsel (Indo) $2.67
Yellow Belly Damsel (Indo) $3.16
Yellow Head Damsel (Fiji) $7.51
Yellowtail Blue Damsel (Indo) $2.67

Black Edge Eel $31.18
Green Wolf Eel $28.63
Lion Eel $16.68
Snowflake Eel Sm $7.70
Tesselata Eel Lg $134.10
Tesselata Eel Sm/Md $103.28
Zebra Eel (Haw) Md $103.28

Gobies and Blennies
Bar Goby Md (Indo) $9.57
Bicolor Blenny (Indo) $9.06
Blue Dot Goby $25.00
Blue Spotted Jawfish $82.70
Blue Spotted Jawfish 4-Lot $62.08
Blue-dotted Black Blenny $19.85
Citron Goby (Sol) $11.63
Citron Goby Lg (Tonga) $13.69
Clown Green Goby $10.60
Diamond Goby Md $12.64
Diamond Goby Sm $13.69
Dragon Goby (Sol) $17.81
Engineer Goby $5.45
Firefish Goby $15.75
Fusi Goby (Sri) $16.76
Gold-Head Sleeper (Indo) Md $15.75
Hi Fin Goby (Indo) $18.82
Jawfish Pearly Sm/Md $20.88
Jet Blenny $20.39
Lawnmower Blenny Md $10.09
Mandarin Green Goby Lg/Xlg $11.63
Mandarin Green Goby Md $10.58
Mandarin Spotted Goby Sm $10.09
Neon Goby (Carib.) $19.87
Ornate Goby $14.70
Purple Firefish Goby $26.05
Rainford Goby $10.58
Red Lip Blenny (Carib.) $18.82
Red Sailfin Blenny $73.43
Red Scooter Blenny $13.69
Red Spotted Blenny (fiji) $26.98
Scissortail (Indo) Lg $13.69
Scooter Blenny Lg $8.23
Scooter Blenny Sm/Md $5.43
Scooter Blenny Sm/md $8.54
Smithii Goby (Sri) $10.09
Steinitzi Goby (Indo) $9.57
Tail Spot Blenny $20.90
Tiger Jawfish (Bali) $17.81
Tiger Shrimp Goby $16.76
Twin Spot Goby $11.63
Watchman Pink Spotted $14.70
Watchman Yellow Goby Md $8.03
Weaver Goby $15.75
Yellow Blenny $10.09

Clown Grouper Md $47.66
Pantherfish Sm $8.52
V-Tailed Grouper Sm/Md $18.82
Lions (Venomous)
Volitan Black Lion Lg $43.54
Volitan Black Lion Md $33.24
Volitan Red Lion Md $31.18

Dogface Puffer Lg $41.48
Dogface Puffer Md $27.06
Porcupine Puffers Md $22.94
Saddle Puffer $17.81
Star and Striped Puffer Md $18.82

Blue Eye Tang Sm/Md (Fiji) $27.06
Blue Tang (afr) 5-6" $103.28
Blue Tang (Indo) 3.5"-5" $51.78
Blue Tang (indo) 5"-6" $68.26
Clown Tang (Indo) Smd $22.94
Gold Naso Tang (Red Sea) Lg $102.27
Gold Naso Tang (Red Sea) Md $81.67
Gold Naso Tang (Red Sea) Sm $41.48
Gold Rimmed Tang (Haw) Lg $72.30
Naso Tang (Haw.) Md $53.84
Naso Tang (Haw.) Smd $45.60
Naso Tang Sm $33.24
Orange Shoulder Tang Sm $19.87
Phillipine Yellow Tang $16.76
Powder Blue Tang (Indo) Lg $60.02
Powder Blue Tang (Indo) Md $41.48
Powder Blue Tang (Indo) Sm $33.24
Powder Brown Tang Lg $35.30
Powder Brown Tang Md $29.12
Sailfin Tang (Red Sea) Lg $99.16
Sailfin Tang (Red Sea) Md $78.56
Sailfin Tang Lg $41.48
Scopus Tang (Indo) Sm/Md $15.75
Tennenti Tang (Sri) Smd $31.18
Unicorn Tang Md $53.84
Unicorn Tang Sm $31.18
Yellow Tang (Haw) 2.5-3.5" $29.12
Yellow Tang (Haw) 2-2.5" $27.06

Blueline Trigger T $26.05
Bursa Trigger (Indo) Md $16.76
Bursa Trigger (Indo) Sm $10.58
Clown Trigger Mlg $88.86
Niger Trigger (Indo) Sm $12.64
Rectangulatus Trigger (IO) Md $20.88
Rectangulatus Trigger (IO) Sm $14.62
Undulatus Trigger (Indo) Md $18.82

Aust Scott's Fairy Wrasse Lg $113.58
Birdfish Green Wrasse Sm/Md $32.23
Christmas Wrasse Green (Tonga) $33.16
Debelius Wrasse $13.69
Green Coris Wrasse (Indo) Sm $9.57
Half & Half Wrasse (Indo) $12.64
Harlequin Tusk (Australia) Lg $195.98
Harlequin Tusk (Australia) XLG $226.88
Harlequin Tusk Md $57.96
Labouti Wrasse (Aust) Lg $206.28
Labouti Wrasse (Aust) Md $185.68
Leopard Wrasse (Tonga) $31.18
Lubbock Fairy Wrasse $18.82
Lunare Wrasse (Indo) Md $15.75
Orange Stripe Pencil Wrasse $20.80
Possum Wrasse (indo) $27.06
Six Line Wrasse (Indo) $12.64
TriColor Fairy Wrasse Male Md $25.00
Yellow Coris (Srilanka) $18.82

Miscellaneous Fish
Anthias Dispar $18.82
Anthias Hutchi $18.74
Anthias Orange (indo) $22.94
Anthias Pictilus Male $62.08
Anthias Purple Queen $12.15
Anthias Purple Square (Indo) $29.12
Anthias Sunburst $41.48
Anthias Tiger Queen $16.76
Anthias Truncate $18.82
Banana Fish (Indo) $24.92
Black Box (Haw.) $33.16
Blue and Gold Rabbitfish (Fiji $28.11
Borbonius Anthias Lg $88.86
Camel Cowfish Smd $16.68
Cardinal (Orbic) $4.40
Cowfish L/H Lg $39.42
Cowfish L/H Sm $17.81
Dutioti Pseudochromis Tank Rsd $25.00
Fasciatus Anthias $33.24
Flying Gurnard Md $35.30
Foxface Lg $35.30
Foxface Md $30.17
Foxface Metallic (Indo) Lg $103.28
Goat Fish Red (Haw.) $29.12
Goatfish Yellow (Fiji) Sm/Md $26.05
Hawkfish Arc Eye $12.64
Hawkfish Flame $29.12
Hawkfish Longnose Md $29.12
Hawkfish Spotted $11.12
HiFin (Kauderni) Cardinal $8.11
Hogfish Coral Md $20.88
Hogfish Diana (Indo) Md $31.18
Moorish Idol (Haw.) Md $35.30
Orangespot Filefish $13.69
Parrot Bicolor Lg $22.94
Parrot Bicolor Md $16.76
Parrot Bicolor Sm $13.69
Parrotfish Painted Md/Lg $82.68
Pilotfish (Indo) Smd $18.82
Pipefish Banded $9.57
Pipefish Dragon $16.76
Pseudo Chromis Purple $6.46
Rhinopias Orange M/l $309.20
Royal Doty Back (Indo) $8.54
Seahorse (Tank Raised) $26.05
Spotted Box Md $15.75
Squamipinnis Fem. $27.06
Squamipinnis Male $18.82
Swales Candy Basslet $49.72
Swiss Guard $117.70
Tropical Flounder Sm/Md $18.82


Carpet Striped (Indo) Md $29.12
Carpet Striped (indo) Sm $20.80
Flat Yellow Anemone Md $26.05
Green Bulb Anemone Md $22.94
Green Bulb Anemone Md 12-lot $18.82
Green Bulb Anemone Md 6-lot $20.88
Long Tenacle Anemone Lg $27.06
Long Tenacle Anemone Md $20.39
Long Tenacle Grn Anemone Lg $35.30
Long Tenacle Grn Anemone Md $27.06
Ritteri Anemone (Indo) Lg $51.80
Rose Anemone Sm $57.96
Sebae White Anemone (Indo) Lg $26.05
Sebae White Anemone (Indo) Md $20.88
Sebae White Anemone (Indo) Sm $16.76

Arrow Crab $7.51
Blue Leg Hermit Car. (250-lot) $1.02
Blue Leg Hermit Car. (50-Lot) $1.10
Blue Leg Hermit Crab (Car.) $1.23
Emerald Crab M/L $5.45
Porcelain Crab $8.03
Red Crab $4.19
Red Leg Hermit Crab Md $5.97
Sally Lightfoot Crab $5.45

Banded Coral Shrimp $8.52
Camel Shrimp $5.45
Cleaner Shrimp (Sri) Lg $20.90
Harlequin Shrimp $20.90
Peppermint Shrimp Lg (Car.) $7.00
Saron Shrimp Md $5.45
Tiger Shrimp $15.75


Banded Serpent Star $6.05
Black Tip Red Reef Starfish $10.09
Blue Linckia Star Md $12.64
Chocolate Chip Starfish Sm/Md $4.19
Feather Starfish $12.15
Green Serpent Starfish $8.52
Marble Starfish Lg $20.88
Orange Linckia Starfish (Sri) $14.70
Orange Linckia Starfish 6-Lot $13.69
Sand Shifting Starfish $9.57

Miscellaneous Inverts

Astria Snail (Florida) $1.72
Astria Snail (Florida) 50-Lot $1.23
Cerith Snail $1.10
Cerith Snail (50-Lot) $0.90
Chili Sponge Sm/Md $22.94
Cluster Duster (Car.) $13.69
Cucumber Col $12.64
Cucumber Yellow $9.57
Featherduster Md $12.64
Flame Scallop $4.40
Lobster Purple (Indo) $9.57
Margarita Snail $1.10
Margarita Snail (50-Lot) $1.10
Nassarius Snail (atl) $1.10
Nassarius Snail (Atl) 50-Lot $0.90
Pink Hot Dog Cucumber $14.70
Pink Margarita Snail $1.23
Pink Margarita Snail 50-Lot $1.10
Red Banded Snail $2.88
Red Coco Worm $26.05
Tiger Cowrie Xlg $20.88
Tonga Nassarius Snail $2.13
Trochus Snail $2.88
Trochus Snail 50-lot $2.13
Turbo Snail (50 Lot) $1.72
Turbo Snail (Mex.) $2.34
Urchin Long Spine $14.70
Urchin Purple $12.64
Urchin Tuxedo $13.69


Hikari Frozen Mysis 16oz Flats $15
Hikari Marine-S $8
Spectrum 150 g Marine Formula $10.58
Spectrum 150 g Thera A Formula $12.64
Spectrum 300 g Marine Formula $17.38
Spectrum 300 g Small Fish $16.76
Spetrum 450 g Jumbo Fish Form $24.92
Tiger Pods, 8 Oz. $29.12

Unusual Items
AFR BLUE TANG 6-8" $144.48
Last edited:


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
I am offering to bring fish from NJ to Queens (Exit 29 on LIE) if you do not want to drive to New Jersey.

Please let Dom know if you prefer to pick up from my place.

This offer better be available when I'm able to place orders you know.LOL:kidding:
Seriously though, hope it is.:wink1:

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